Thursday, April 30, 2009

Last day of April

So I didn't want my last blog of BEDA to be the story I'm writing. I wanted it to be a real blog. 
So out comes this. 

My day was actually really good. 
My lips are pretty much dead because of band. But I'll survive, a little Burts and Bees and I'll be all good.

Today my photography teacher pulled me aside and told me that all this year he thought I was a senior and that he felt completely awful because I was one of his best students and I deserved an award at the undergrad. ceremony, and more attention. But that he basically ignored me because he thought I was a senior and that I would leave anyway. And so he made me a certificate that the other people got at the undergrad. awards. It was really funny and cool. 
I'm actually kind of glad I didn't get the award at the ceremony though, it would've been a little embarasing. 


haha jk. 

But seriously, everyone is freaking out about it. 

We sight read this song in band today and it was AMAZING. it was called Slava, I think. I just wish we had enough time to prepare it for the spring concert. Instead, we won't be able to play it :(.

I think that's really all I have to say. 

Katies Story Part 2

Surely she didn't look like that, she thought. The car hit her in the hip, she thought. Or maybe it hit her in the back. Or maybe she fell and it just ran over her. It was all so confusing to Katie. She couldn't remember what exactly had happened. All she knew now was there was a long ghastly scar running across her forehead, the back of her head felt like someone was hitting it with a jackhammer, and her cheek burned.

A tear trickled down her cheek and the salt caused her cheek to hurt even more; she cringed with pain.

By this time the tuba player had noticed that katie had woken up. He was a little shy and embarrased that he was still in her room and that she had undoubtedly already noticed him. He had never said a word to her in his life, but his feeling were to involved to not stay and make sure she was ok.

The tears were coming harder and katie was about to wipe them away, but just as she moved her arm, unbearable pain shot through her body. She looked down and noticed why. It was in a sling, it must be broken.

That was when everything was put into perspective. No good left hand, no french horn playing. No french horn playing, no Juliard. No Juliard, no music. Her perfect little plan she had made was ruined. There was no hope of becoming a band director or professional musician anymore.

Besides, who would be able to stand the site of her anymore.

The tuba player sitting beside Katie's bed grabbed a kleenex and started to wipe away Katies tears, while at the same time trying to calm her down.

Katie flinched away from the his hand and opened her mouth to ask who in the world he was. But no sound came out when she tried.

With her good hand she grasped her throat, and the tuba player figured out that her throat must be dry. So he handed her a piece of ice, which she gratefully took.

Just as the ice began to melt and she felt she could say something the tuba players phone buzzed.

A text message.

He looked at the text message and quickly responded and then explained that he had to leave for a minute or two.

Katie was so confused.

And then a man in a white coat came in, the doctor, and looked at a bunch of the machines and then came over beside the bed where katie layed.

He asked her a bunch of questions like "how is the pain" and "what year is it" and "who is the president." She answered all of his questions and then he started poking at her arm.

Each poke sent another shrill of pain through her arm and then she saw a bone portruding through her elbow. She would have thrown up right then and there if it weren't for the fact that the strange guy entered the room again, distracting her.

He actually was pretty attractive. Even if his eyes were blood shot. He was pretty tall and had short brown hair. He looked like a movie star. (woo-hoo for cliche's amanda!).

Katie's thoughts were pulled back to reality when she realized that her dad was saying something to her about another surgery. She didn't really know what he had just aksed her, but she nodded anyway. And then the doctor put something over her face and she became very lightheaded and suddenly she was being pulled back into the blackness.

She fought the blackness with everything she had, writhing around on her bed which only made the pain ten times worse. But then she felt someone grab her hand. The hand was unfamiliar. Bigger than her dads and was a little cold, but for some reason it felt like it belonged. 

And this time instead of being pulled into darkness, she was pulled into dreams of the other guy. (the tuba player).

When she woke up again outside the windows she saw that the sun was brightly shining, it was probably a very pretty day outside, and her room was dark. At this time no one was in the room but she heard voices outside the hospital room. One of the voices belonged to her father, she knew that much, another voice she thought belonged to her director from Juliard, but she couldn't place the third voice. 

She couldn't understand what they were saying, they were putting an effort into keeping their voices down. 

And  then her dad poked his head inside the door and then walked in. 

Noticing Katie was awake he turned on the lights with the dimmer and asked if she wanted to see Mr. Kelly. (haha, and you said he wasn't going to be your director. But *sings* I've got the power!!)

At first Katie could think of no reason why her director couldn't come in and see her. But then she remembered the mirror. 

What an embarrassment, she thought. She was afraid he would never look at her the same way. 

But before she could say anything her dad had already gone back into the hallway to get Mr. Kelly. 

He came back into the room with a card, which he handed to Katie. 

He proceeded to try to make a joke on how he thought that surely if he ever had to visit her in the hospital it would be because of a repeat from her tenth grade year. 

Katie didn't find the joke very funny. And she was in a snippy mood to begin with. So she snapped back asking how his eye was. 

He understood that maybe now wasn't the time to bother katie and so he apologized that this tragedy has happened and then left wishing her a speedy recovery.

Katie opened it with one arm, and for the first time noticed that her left arm was now in a full arm cast and her fingers were squeezed tightly together with little to no wiggle room. 

Before Katie fell asleep she read the card. Inside the card was a bunch of names that she could not match faces to, but being helpful each person put the instrument the played next to their name. 

She fell asleep with the card still in her lap and when she woke up again the tuba player was once again at her side. 

(Wow, this is turning into a full-blown story.)

He was in a light sleep but heard Katie's movements and he stirred in his seat and then woke up. 

He looked a little more rested today, not by much though, and he had found the time to shave.

This was it, Katie thought, she was alone with him. She could finally get her answers. 

So she asked him. All of the questions she had. 

Who he was: the principal Tuba player in her band. Adam
What was the date: April 30. 
  Katie's fish died on April 1st. She had been in the hospital for a month loosing and regaining conciousness unperiodically the whole time. She was supposed to of played in 3 concerts in that time. 
Why he was here: which he answered with every last detail. Except possibly that he had been developing feelings for her ever since. She talked in her sleep. (Woo-hoo. Score 2 for cliche's). 

Her dreams were nothing special. But the absurdity of them always made him laugh. It was like he knew Katie that much more just because he heard her dreams. 

One time he caught her saying "if you hold the mute to your ears it goes bwah bwah bwah." or "nu-uh I flew into the pole." 

Some of her dreams had his heart going out to her. He didn't know how she managed it all.

Over the next few weeks Katie was able to stay awake longer and longer and the only thing that seemed to keep her day going, for her parents had to leave for a week because her dad had a case he was working on and her mom was an elementary school teacher, was his bi-daily visits (once in the morning and once in the afternoon). 

He would keep her up to date on what was going on in the band and what ridiculous songs they were playing. 

She could do without those updates though, they only made her more upset. But she wasn't going to tell him that. She enjoyed seeing him every day too much.

They got to know each other more and more and one day Katie couldn't bear to look outside and see the beautiful sunshine and not be able to take advantage of the weather. 

She all but begged the doctors to let her go outside but they wouldn't let her go alone. So she waited for him, but that day he didn't show up. 

DUHN DUHN DUHN. (happy DJ!? I put an 'N' at the end.)

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Katie's Future

So I know technically this isn't a blog. I'm cheating a little. I told Katie I would write a story about her future. (completely fictional and sappy and stupid. That's how I write best :p) So here I am sitting in photography thinking "why not count this as a blog entry. This is marathon Wednesdays after all." So I'm caving, and calling this a blog. Even though you and I both know it really isn't technically the type of blogs I usually write.

Ok. So where should I start this? Eventually Tony has to come in the picture Katie, but I'm not going to focus on him in this short story.

Yes you'll be married Katie. But hmm.. *strokes chin in thinking position*

It all started when you went to college at Juliard. Juliard was a long way from home and you were sort of the outsider. About the only thing you had in common with some of the people was your love for music. Usually that was enough to build a friendship up on, but not in this case. It was like these people were a whole new species. You would go to rehersals 12 hours a day every day and play beautifully, and then you would go home and play with your gold fish. This is how your life went every day during the school year. But then something very tragic happened, your goldfish died. You were devasted. You loved that fish, it was the only one who you felt like they understood you. So after giving bubbles a proper burial and after going to your 12 hour rehersal of course, you walked to Walmart. (You didn't have a car, because you procrastinated so much on getting your license and the DMV decided that anyone who waits more than 3 months to get their permit must not want it enough. So you were told to wait untill you turned 36.)

On your way to Walmart the unthinkable happened. You were crossing the street. You pressed the button with the hand just like any good citizen would do. Looked both ways five times, even though you had the green light. And proceeded to carefully cross the street at the crosswalk. But someone who was to busy laughing with their friends didn't notice that

A) they had a red light


B) someone was crossing the street

They hit you. Hard. (duh, how else would a speeding car hit you!?)

They didn't even know they hit anything, that's how little they were paying attention to the road, and others in the car just thought they hit a speedbump.

But there was a witness. The principal tuba player in your band.****

He saw the accident completely unfold, for he was patiently stopped at the red light.

Little did you know that this tuba player never originally wanted to major in music. He wanted to be a paramedic. But he got a scholarship, and in order to keep the scholarship he had to play in the band (he was that good of a tuba player.).

Of course you didn't see that he was the driver to one of the stopped cars, because when in rehersal you got so focused that it was like all you saw was your music and the conductor. Sure you knew that your conductor sometimes furrowed his brows, and had a tendency to forget to wear sunscreen (sound familiar?) and that even upon further concentration you were able to tell the color of his eyes. 

But you never once took a good look at the people sitting behind you. 

Time seemed to stop all around you and everything was filled with darkness.

A lot of things happened that night, a lot of flashing lights and a lot of frantic gasps.

Of course you heard none of this. You couldn't see or hear anything going on around you. But the blackness had evolved into a kaleidascope of colors. Pinks, Oranges, and Greens. With gold fish swimming in every direction. 

And then like the snap of your fingers, everything went black again and you heard a flush of a commode. 

The first thing you saw when you woke up was the tuba player. He looked really tired and for some reason, you couldn't figure out why, he looked familiar to you. His chin which was ordinarily white was now spotted with black. 

He didn't notice that you woke up, for he was fighting sleep and loosing.

You were about to ask who he was when an unmanageable pain shot through your whole head. Suddenly you heard all of the beeps. They were speeding up. If you had been thinking correctly you would have realized that this was your heartrate monitor.

The increased rate of your heart beat and the alarming signal that accompanied it abruptly woke up the tuba player.

He didn't even acknowledge you, he just stormed into the hallway screaming for help.

You fell back into deep unconciousness again. This time with no kaleidascope of colors. Just that lonely veil of blackness. 

The next time you woke up it was dark outside the windows, and in the chair where the tuba player once sat was your dad. 

It looked like he had been crying, but you couldn't figure out why he would be crying. Last time you had remembered you had just come back from band practice at Lincoln. You thought the unthinkable to yourself: surely Kristine didn't run into another trash can and hit his antique car. 

You were trying to ask him what happened when you felt the tubes. The tubes running down your throat and were threatening to gag you. You didn't remember those tubes last night when you went to bed. In the blink of an eye it all came back to you. The flush of the commode. The cross walk. The car that came out of nowhere. The honk. And then the darkness. 

You looked to the left and you saw him again. The tuba player, though you still didn't recognize him. Was he the one who had hit you? 

No one in the room had noticed that you had woken up, and you were glad. It gave you plenty of time to try to put together the puzzle pieces. 

You looked all around, deciding that you were in fact in a hospital. But it was only on the last sweep did you see it. A piece of glass. A mirror in fact. And what you saw caused you to freak out, and scarred you forever. 



(sorry it got a little long. I'll continue it tomorrow guys. I really do need to do my math homework.)

** For your tragedy I randomly asked someone to call out something horrible that could happen to someone. That's how I came to this. They're mad that I made it a hit and run in a car instead of a drive by shooting. They wanted me to have a random gangster come by and to put it lightly, shoot you. They wanted your dad to testify against a mobster and they wanted me to incorporate a hired hitman from the mob to come and take care of you and your dad *wink wink*. And have the tuba player pull out a gun and kill the hitman and be all heroic. You know the gushy stuff.

**** Again I did not pick this instrument. I asked the person sitting next to me to randomly (Thanks Emily) name an instrument.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Basically my day in a nutshell

This blog comes to you pasted from Microsoft Word because the internet connection as I wait for my piano lesson is secured. GASP
Which brings me to a mini rant. (but wait. I just learned something from typing that sentence. When you put an asterisk, and then a word and then another asterisk; Word automatically bolds it for you. NEATO.)
People who lock their wireless internet. I don’t understand it.. It’s like you have to be apart of the cool secret society with their society password to get onto the internet. Sigh I’m obviously not cool enough to be apart of their cool society. Whatever will I do?!
So far this day has been full of Ups and Downs. It started Up because it’s my best friends sixteenth birthday. So I mean, how can it not start up. (she is getting her license today. And seeing as I don’t get my license until the end of July because that’s when my parents decided to have me* It’s like partial freedom. Not that I’m all un-free. I just won’t have to hassle my parents a lot for rides and such.)

**I had to abruptly end that train of thought due to the fact that I complete lost track of time. And what do you know, it was time for my lesson. A little tid-bit of my lesson. I think I’m psyching myself out. You see. There’s this one little two beats that I’ve been messing up lately. I focus all of my attention on that one beat and it’s like my fingers freeze up and I physically cannot play it. And then all of that focus that should be focused on say not getting lost gets thrown out and I’m pretty much messed up from there. I did fine the first time I ran through the song in the worship center. And then I let someone else have turn rehearsing in the worship center and then I went again after them. And I have no clue what happened. The second time I sat down, it was like “what’s focus?” and I was all dizzy and I felt like I was falling asleep. Needless to say I butchered the last couple of run-throughs and I’m completely mad at myself right now. But that’s ok.

Oh, but no just wait. In band (my third period) everything is going quite swell. (Or at least as swell as rehersal can be when you are playing the third movement of Lincoln Shire posy. If you’re a French horn player you know what I mean. Or actually if you don’t play oboe, bassoon, piccolo, e-flat clarinet, or 1st clarinet you know what I mean. Don’t you just love resting for the entire first half of a completely demented song!?) But things were looking up, the bell was going to ring in three minutes.

Or so we thought until we heard our principal talking on the loud speaker.

Obviously we didn’t hear the first half of the announcement because we were playing way louder than the announcement and we sort of heard that an announcement was being made, but we figured it was no big deal. But this announcement was longer than the usual. So all we heard was “please keep your students in the room”. From that we inferred we were on lock down.
So, like band nerds would, we continued practicing. And utilized the extra time.

This lockdown only lasted 20 minutes. But last year around the same time and about 5 minutes before 3rd period was over we were put on lockdown. And that lockdown lasted four hours. Some kid called in a gun threat. It was pretty serious. But became a laughing stock to high school students later that it was a fourth grader. (our school is right across the street from a magnet Middle School.).

(I’m making up names here. Names were not given to us for obvious reasons) Apparently Joe (again, I made up that name) texted his dad that fred had a gun. And Joe’s dad called 911. And the police called our school alerting us, while simultaneously sending a multide of police officers. We were about to switch classes so they didn’t want that mayhem to make a perfect opportunity for “trouble” so they put us on lockdown, got the guy and searched him and his backpack and car. No gun. I think it was just a hoax.
But that was my day.

In just a little bit our school has our “undergraduates awards ceremony” you know, the awards ceremony where they give out awards based on your GPA and other fun stuff like “best tenth grade musician”. All of that fun stuff. So I’m going to go to that and I’ll continue this lovely blog afterwards.


I got four awards. Outstanding digital design 2 student, best Spanish one student, outstanding sophmore musician, and person with GPA above 4.0 and below 4.19.

Woo-hoo. The guy handing out cards for the last award was like “I already know your name because you’ve gotten so many awards.” Haha.

And at this awards ceremony most give more than just a certificate. So I got a lot of cool stuff :)

That is all. I hope you have a good day.

*Every time my parents complain about driving me places I just tell them it’s not my fault that I had to be born later than most. Sheesh. Haha. I did everything in my power short from killing someone and storming up to capitol hill to allow me to get my license A.S.A.P. haha

Monday, April 27, 2009

hey hi

So today I went to my friend (and fellow french horn player) 's Eagle Scout ceremony. I will probably never forget this event due to this one factor:
-They had a live eagle who every five minutes would go crazy and flap around and fly around     and go crazy and start doing it's eagle noises.
It was actually really funny.

As I type this, my eyes are drooping more and more. So I'm going to call it a night, go and take a shower and then go to bed.

It's my best friends 16th birthday tomorrow :D.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

My ubber long nap

So my day was pretty boring from a bystanders perspective.

I went to church and we did this fake argument thing that was pretty cool (I was in the Roman group haha).
And then my family and I went to Outback.
I surfed the internet for an hour.
I fell asleep at 3 and then woke up at 6:45.
I cleaned up my computer files.
I practiced piano for an hour.. maybe a little more..
I cleaned my room.
And here I am, hoping that I will be able to fall back asleep. (I think I'll be able to actually, I'm still a little tired.. my eyes are drooping a little.)

I would say my day was altogether unproductive. But AHA I can say I was doing something productive while I was sleeping.

While I was sleeping I imported all of the footage into their appropriate files from my camera. (Egg hunt footage, and breakfeast in the park footage.)

So, :p, this day wasn't a waste.

Though it's kind of dissapointing, because this day basically was a waste. It was pretty much a day of rest. But sometimes those days are needed.. I needed this day to keep me going the last few weeks of school. (4 weeks plus exam week. Not that I'm counting or anything. haha).

So that is all.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

hi, it's me again

I feel like this whole "blog every day in April" has really lowered the quality of my blogs. Not that I'm trying to say my blog had really good quality before this whole Blog Every day in April business anyway. I'm just saying... 

I've never been good at keeping journals, and in a way this is my journal.. I've actually kept it up fairly decently. And when I'm bored it's fun to go back and read blog/journal entries from the past. For example yesterday afternoon I was bored, so I watched almost all of my old videos from the montage channel I used to be apart of. (I say used to because it's over now. It's not like I got kicked out or anything. Don't get the wrong idea.). 

I'm watching a movie on Hallmark right now, waiting for the movie that's coming on in twenty minutes. I forgot what it's called though. I really want to see the movie that's coming on tomorrow night. But again, I don't remember what it's called.

Today basically all I did was run errands with my parents. But it was pretty fun. I got several birthday presents for all of my friends as well as a Life application Bible :D. 

I really like the life application bible. It has this really cool timeline in the front, on the bottom are the events in history and the top the events in history in the bible. So it's cool to put things in perspective and make it more real, you know?

I  get more impatient waiting for summer each day I get closer to it. *ARG*

But it'll come.. and with it will come big changes, but changes I embrace. 

My mail application dinged, which reminds me I need to burn that DVD for Angela for Moms in Touch. So I'm going to go do that. 

Have a WONDERFUL rest of your weekend, or week (depending on when you're reading this.)

Friday, April 24, 2009

blogging outside=fail.

So I’m sitting outside on my back porch as I write this blog entry. But in doing so I’ve discovered one thing about our wireless router. Apparently a brick wall is our wireless router’s kryptonite. Literally I can just step inside the door (moving be about three feet) and I’ll have PERFECT internet connection. But then I just move outside the door and I have none. Which I don’t understand at all, because if this were true then why was stealing other house’s internet connection so easy when we went to our grandparents house in December?

Anyway. I could not resist going outside because it is just unbelievably pretty outside, and it’s the perfect temperature where I’m sitting (in the shade). The only thing I could do with out it bugs. Oh yeah, and bees and wasps. But not everything can be perfect. (just as I was typing that, a bug scurried across my screen.

Ok, I’ve decided that blogging outside was overrated. And I ran inside like a scared little wimp when a bee buzzed past me and several other bugs attacked my laptop screen. 

So here I am now, sitting inside our sunroom. With several newly aquired bug bites running down my arm. 

Oh the sacrifices I make.. (haha jk)

Oh boy oh boy. I didn't even TELL you my disheartening day I had yesterday because I blogged in the morning, about how cool everything was going. I jinxed myself apparently. 

We did NOT get straight superiors. Mr. Kelly told us on the bus "you got a superior", and stupid me I assumed that since our clinician had nothing but good things to say to us that we got STRAIGHT superiors. But alas, we did not. One judge gave us an excellent, while the two others gave us a superior which averages out to be an overall superior. But this really upset me, and I was really dissapointed the rest of the day.

I may post another blog today. But I don't really have anything else to say right now. 


If you're looking for a good book to read I read two books this week and they were really good:

A Thousand Tomorrow's by Karen Kingsbury


The Atonement Child by Francine Rivers

They were quite good indeed.

If this is the first time you have ever seen my blog I'd like to make the disclaimer that I'm fully content with absolutely nobody reading my blog. And for a very long time I wrote my blog like no one was reading it. So it was probably really random, I just basically write what comes to my mind. :)

Have a fantastic day!

Thursday, April 23, 2009


I figured I would write this blog entry during photography class again. Because I figure I have nothing better to do in this class, and chances are I will not be in any state of blogging afterschool. Because that holocaust contest thing is due friday and I decided on Wednesday that I was going to scrap the essay and go with the art area, because I could convey my idea better.

I'm going to disect yesterday, seeing as I was too tired yesterday to talk about it again. (Not that I'm not tired right now. I just have to find the will to stay awake now; whereas, yesterday I was able to go to sleep.

I'm not sure how much I talked about yesterday because I was so out of it I was that tired.
So starting from the beginning.

We got onto the bus and the people around me tried to play charades while I was finishing a book I was reading. They kept on making cracks about me knowing full well I would hear my name but I wasn't paying enough attention to catch the rest of what they were saying.

(side note: our band director got a REALLY bad sunburn over the weekend. it was horrible. the upside of his arms were as red as can be. And his forehead was bad, and then his head was also really red. he's bald.)

We arrived in Gainseville, and one of the seniors in the back of the bus yell this: "Mr. Kelly! Mr. Kelly I've got a question!" the whole bus get's silent. Due to this person's reputation you know he has something hillarious to say. Mr. Kelly also knows this, and the joke will more than likely be at his expense. I was sitting in the front of the bus so I was able to hear Mr. Kelly's initial response of "oh no." He didn't even move. So the person yells again that he has a question. One of the chaperones yells back that Mr. Kelly can hear him and to get over with it and ask his question. Which was: "Do you need some sunscreen?"

I told my mom about this and how our band director basically sat down and fell asleep, he didn't even get out his iphone

(other side note: we've decided that it must be in the band director 'handbook' somewhere that all band directors who want to be good/cool must have an iphone. And we contribute a band in our town who isn't as good to the fact that their band director does not have an iphone. haha)

Which made my mom make me feel guilty with "well if his sunburn was that bad, maybe he had a fever and was actually sick."

UM, and our old band director in middle school

(side note: he was the coolest and the best band director EVER)

So we got to talk with him a lot and it was really cool. I wonder if he realizes the impact he made on our lives. No joke, he walked into the auditorium right after our band sat down and suddenly everyone was murmuring "Mr. Antmann's here" it was pretty cool.

And then our old principal came (who everyone loves to death) came. And she talked with us.

It was just overall a cool day.

And then the bus drive back we played charades. It was hillarious.

I have this really annoying person standing over me right now telling me how crazy I am for telling my life's story on a computer. But I don't care what he thinks, because everybody just ignores him anyway :p.

I'm going to wrap this up now anyway.

-Amanda (just in case you thought some alien was writing this. No, it was me. hah)

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


hey hi ho how are ya?

This is going to be really short.

Basically I had an amazing day. We went to our state performance today for band and scored straight superiors. I think we played very well today and I was verryy pleased with our performance. Our old principal (which we still love) came and watched us :D, AND our old middle school band director (which we love to death. but moved away after we "graduated" middle school) came!!

So that's all good and exciting stuff.

I'm really tired though, so I'm going to bed. good night.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Forgetting to write a blog when you set out on a mission of blogging every day for a month is bad enough. 
But not even realizing the fact that you forgot until a week and a half later. That's way worse. 

Obviously I'm referring to the fact that I didn't blog on April 21. 

*hides face in semi-shame*

But it's okay, because technically this counts as a blog. So technically I've caught up to my original goal. woo-hoo.

disclaimer: And the date this says it was added on is a complete lie. I'm writing this on the 29 of April. 

Monday, April 20, 2009

What's that? It's still April!?

I went through the whole day today feeling completely off. I don't know how to describe it, I guess it was because I was tired. I just didn't feel like myself.


But life progressed on, I went to my spanish class where we are watching what can be debated as the worst movie/musical ever. Yes I am referring to De La Mancha. Now let me get one thing straight. Usually in spanish class when we watch movies there are only two rules:
-No talking
-No texting
So when I heard from the grapevine that we were watching a movie in spanish class I was thrilled because I would be able to read all period long. But this was not the case. Our teacher decided to give us questions to go along with this retarded movie. It cannot be forgotten that the main character fights a windmill and looses in this movie.
Why of all movies do we actually have to pay attention to THIS one in particular!?

But it's ok. I'll suck it up. I can survive 50 more minutes of pure torture (Because I won't be at school Wednesday for the end of the movie).

Speaking of torture.

Indian Rug Burns. Pure torture. My "friend" today gave me this MASSIVE indian rug burn before rehersal after school. (I used friends in quotations because if she were a real friend she wouldn't put me through this amount of pain.) She didn't just stop after one round of indian burns. No, she had to go through two. No joke, half of my arm was bright red. It was like a massive wristband. And it stayed this way for a great portion of the rehersal. It was as hot as a real sunburn, and it hurt like crazy. I was almost in tears when she was doing it to me.

Now don't go on thinking "well why didn't you stop her!?". I couldn't stop her, I was being ganged up on. You see, I'm HIGHLY ticklish and I was being attacked by both sides. And I don't think Katie realized how painful what she was doing to me really was.

She laughed off my pain saying "Indian burns don't hurt THAT bad Amanda, your just a freak" I believe were her exact words. But I had to remind herself that she has never given herself an indian rope burn. Katie is very good at giving excruciating painful indian burns. It is now close to 5 hours later, and I still have a smaller red band that goes entirely around my arm.

I would show everyone around me my arm, I was storing up my witnesses for how extremely red my arm was.

But that's all I have to say today.

I will add more to the tale of my life tomorrow.

A to the M to the ANA then there's a D and another A. Amanda all the way.

(haha, that was cheesy).

Sunday, April 19, 2009

April 19

Nothing really new happened today.

I tried something new at On The Border.*

I'm also really excited to teach my best friend how to play the piano this summer :D.

Umm.. I'm not really feeling so swell.. So I'm going to leave this one short and sweet and I will blog again tomorrow!

* My family and I are big creatures of habit and eat at On the border every thursday night. And my parents and brother eat at chic-fil-a for lunch on Thursday.. And we all eat at chic-fil-a for lunch on Saturday. We usually have the same exact thing every time. But they changed the menus last week at on the border, and what my parents usually got was no longer on the menu *gasp* they were devastated. But my grandparents wanted to go today as well, and I tried something that was new on the menu. It was good.

Saturday, April 18, 2009


I have never been an athlete. And unless pigs learn to fly I probably will never be one either. So here am I going to tell my story. So sit back and laugh at me.

As a little girl with an older brother every other weekday I would tag along with my parents and brother to the soccer fields. My dad would blow his whistle directing the group of six-year-olds, my mom would talk with the other soccer moms, and I would sit on the blanket playing with my baby dolls taking no interest in the sport. And then every Saturday we would all make another trip to the soccer fields where I was surrounded but to many parents to count cheering on their children. I would usually take this time to find another poor little sister I could tag along, or I would just sit on the blanket and pester my mom. 

But don't forget baseball season. The longest games EVER and there was never grass around the field. 

And then it happened. I begged my parents to play soccer. And they let me. 

So I joined the soccer league. The devastation of the season was when we were deciding our team colors. 

"No pink!!?!?!" We all shrieked when our coach made the dreadful announcement that pink had already been picked. 
"Well, I guess we'll just have to settle for purple." we all compromised. 
"No purple either." the coach informed us.
"NO PURPLE!??!?!" that was it, the season was doomed from this start. 
We settled on the team color of blue, the most boyish color in our mind. 

I was never an athlete. 

During one game my dad pulled me aside and told me to be more aggressive and try to get the ball and score. But I informed him that silly dad that's what all of the other girls' dad's were telling them, and that I was being nice and letting them have a chance. 

This was when my dad realized that he had no hope of his sweet little daughter ever becoming an athlete.

I never tried baseball in a city league, but when I would just play around with other kids I could never hit the ball. I remember one time my family went to the baseball fields for daniel to practice his pitching while playing with the family. And I just sat pitifully in the outfield, and my parents would get on to me because I wouldn't play. (I only have one brother. So they really needed me to play. haha, I don't have a big family.)

So, basically I went to way many sporting events as a little girl to gain any appreciation of sports. 

When I was in the fourth grade I joined the city basketball league because my friends were doing it. Tryouts were the day after I went to cheer gym and as a dare did a front flip off the spring board, landed on my bottom on the trampoline, my knee popped up and smacked me under the eye socket, and I broke a blood vessel and busted my under-eye area open. 

I was placed on to quite possibly the worst team of the league, but it's ok because there were really cool people on the team. We won one game the whole season. 

OH! I just remember I was on the tennis team in middle school. I actually liked tennis.. I was fairly decent at tennis.. So I guess I'm not bad at ALL sports.

My parents always joke around that I'm going to marry a baseball coach (baseball is my least favorite sport. Longer games, and longer season). 

So there you have it. Why I'm not a fan of sports.. In a nutshell..


Friday, April 17, 2009


In the seasonal life of a band nerd there are two distinct seasons: Marching band and Concert band.
Marching band is usually the time where band nerds get to show that they have strength and are capable of sweating and doing crazy drill leaders. This season is usually when everyone gets a HORRIBLE farmers tan and sock tan lines.

And then there's concert band. When the band nerds are holed up in their band and practice rooms. We usually become creepily un-tan.

But today, that cycle was all messed up. Our jazz festival was outside. So now I have this... interesting.. band polo tan line.. and my face is burnt. my cheeks are a nice rosy red and my nose is probably the equivalent of Rudolph's.

But that's ok, because our band got straight superiors.

I don't have the energy to go into great details about the wind and screens because I have to get up early tomorrow morning.

But I do need to say one thing. Today was a miracle in disguise. Not only did I get to miss school, but I also steered clear of this big protest thing..

Um.. that's all I have to say.. yesterday I read about Abraham and Lott. and I thought it was cool that Abraham gave Lott his choice of land even though Abraham knew he was going to be cheated, to end the family feud. Now THAT'S hard.

So.. I'll see you tomorrow,


(I've just made up my mind that after the month of May.. I'm going to try to blog at LEAST every day.)

Thursday, April 16, 2009

I'm so confused

I'm not going to lie, I do not handle (and I've never handled it well) drifting away from good friends. 

I knew this has been screaming to happen for ages. But did it have to come in this way?! 
I'm trying to understand. I'm begging God why he had to have this happen. Why this change? And why do I have to feel so strongly against what is happening? (sorry. I'm speaking very cryptically. I know I am. but just bear with me.) And why do I have this small twinge of guilt? If I hadn't crushed this persons hopes would they have turned out the way they were? I can't help but feel somewhat guilty. But then I remind myself that I shouldn't have to compromise who I am. 
here, I'll try to clear things up a little. I'm not very boy-crazy. Not to say that I am not very in to chic-flics, and daydreaming. I do my fair share of both. I just don't act on it. I don't know, I don't know how to explain it well. But when one of your really good guy friends starts to show interest I just.. idk.. Needless to say I didn't say yes. And I've felt horrible since. I feel responsible for some of the events that have happened. But why should I feel responsible? GROWL, the more I write of this, the more it begins to slowly morph into a typical melodramatic teen-aged girl's diary entry!
But I can't help that I feel somewhat uncomfortable around some people. 

The answer to the question we were asked today at lunch in Bible study: Because I'm afraid that some people will hate me for being this way. And that I would loose friends who always have the capability of making me break down into hysterical bouts of laughter.
(the question was: why do we sometimes hide what we are really feeling inside? Why do we make our outsides show something different?)


Tomorrow I get to wake up at 5:00 AM. WHAT JOY! (for a jazz band festival.. waking up at 5:00 is pushing it too. haha)

I was going to blog about my feelings towards sports but I think I'll save that for another day. It would be really humorous, and I'm just not in the right mindset to write something really humorous. 

The solution everyone tells me: get different friends. But it's just not that easy. It's never that easy.

Sorry for that downer of a blog. Really and truly I am. Not that anyone reads my blogs anyway. I'm going to go straighten my hair and get ready for bed and then go to bed.

I hope you have a far better day than I have,

(but it's ok. There is a silver lining. God is preparing me for something big. I can feel it. He's still in control. He's never left me in the middle of all of this. He know's it will all work out.)

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


It's me typing out yet another blog entry, just like I said I would. Though I almost forgot once again. It's ok though.

The last time I talked to you I was in second period, I still had a very large majority of my day left of my "Marathon Wednesday" (or so I like to call my Wednesdays). 

So picking up where I left off. Something really funny that happened today:

Have you ever had someone rather old (sorry, I thought of a nicer way of saying that.. But I could not find another way of saying it) try to explain youtube to you. They go on saying how amazing it is. How when you're watching the video of the trumpet girl there are videos that show that are also trumpet videos (related videos) and how there is just a bunch of awesome trumpet videos all linked together on this amazing site.. Like this is all new, and we had no clue about it. It was actually quite funny. This happened in band today. We have this man who comes in and works with us a lot and he was talking about the world trumpet festival, or something like that, jr. devision winner who was 12. And then he just basically went into explaining the site of youtube and how cool it was that you could find all of these trumpet players and they would show up on other videos and so on. He was so excited about it too. :). I'm happy for him, really I am. Don't get me wrong.. but did he really think that we didn't know this about youtube.. that this site called youtube existed? I mean, we grew up in this era. Some of us spend half of our time on the computer.. On various sites such as youtube.. haha. I just thought it was funny, because some older people you try to explain it to, they just don't get it. But he experienced it himself and was so excited about it. 

And then in spanish class I brainstormed for an extra-credit essay for the Holocaust Essay Contest. I came up with a pretty good idea actually. And I talked to my English teacher before class to see how many extra credit points she would give us, and she was all "oh Amanda, you don't need that extra credit." And I explained to her about how I forgot to do a homework assignment and she went on to reassure me that one homework assignment would not drop down me down a letter grade. But I think I still may write the essay, because I liked my idea so much. The prompt was "if you had to design a Holocaust Memorial what would you put in it?" in more words than that of course. And my idea has something to do with thumbprints. I really don't feel like explaining it right now, for fear that I would stay up all night eventually writing the whole silly essay. The only thing is it's due next Friday.. But I think I can do it, because I'm that inspired with my idea.. 

So next Saturday I might post tidbits of my essay and what not.

But I'm discovering a trend here. All of my great brainstorming for writing something comes in my Spanish class. I brainstormed for Nanowrimo in my spanish class.. and for this essay extra credit contest.. HMMM... (even though I haven't really even begun to edit my nanowrimo. shhh.. can't it just fix itself? That would make things a lot easier, and it would go by a lot faster. But alas it cannot magically fix itself.)

Apparently today at Orchestra/Choir practice at church, it was winds section skip day.. I obviously didn't get the memo though.. I was the only winds player until 8:00 when Trevor came.. I was LONELY. 

AND AND AND AND.. The Harry Potter and The Half Blood Prince movie release date has been moved once again. But do no fret, it's been pushed UP not back. It's coming out one day after my sixteenth birthday :D. (do the math. hehe). 

I'm going to call this a day and GO TO BED. See you all tomorrow. 

Oh, and I haven't decided if I'm going to do the buddy thing.. I really want to meet new people.. but idk.. I'm kinda shy.. I'm just weird like that OK!?


I'm threw (woah. grammar police please don't eat me) talking now. So you can go back to whatever productive things you were doing before clicking on the link to this blog :D. (is it through or threw? In the context of that sentence?)

Big load of fail

I failed miserably yesterday. Blogging didn't even cross my mind. (Well, that's a lie. It did cross my mind.. just not in the moments when I could actually sit down and blog.)

But really what does it matter? No one is punishing me for this fail except myself. Do I really have to justify things to myself!? (haha.)

But wait! Before you think I'm quitting and going mental, no I will not quit this challenge I have set for myself. To make up for this lack of blogging I'm going to blog not once today, but TWICE. I have also decided that both blogs have to be longer than 500 words. Which actually shouldn't be that hard. But the last blog I wrote was 400 words long and another one was 494. BUT WHATEVER. I'm trying to make up for my lack of writing yesterday.

I had a thought, but seriously I just forgot what I was thinking because I was still trying to finish the other thought. MAN, it was a good thought too.. *trying to remember what I was thinking*.


It's not coming to me.


oh oh oh. I remember what I was thinking now. It wasn't that amazing of a thought. The month of April is going by so fast. Next thing you know it'll be May. (isn't it crazy? Not that I'm complaining. I'm just as ready for summer as the next person). My summer is going to be really exciting. It'll be laced with:
-Getting my drivers license (yay!)
-Getting a car (yay!)
-possibly getting some video gigs as a job (yay!)
-Camp, mission trip, band, chillaxing, hanging out with my friends (yay, yay, ahh, yay, yay!)
I said ahh to band because who really enjoys 12 hour marching rehersals
the whole week two weeks before school starts. Not me! But I'll survive.
I've already survived two preseason band camps.. and I actually kind of
miss marching band. I know, crazy huh?

ANYWAY. I'm actually kind of hungry now. My stomach is growling in protest.. It's actually growling quite loud. SHUT UP STOMACH. CAN'T YOU WAIT TWO MORE PERIODS UNTIL LUNCH!? haha jk.

*thinks aloud* oh. that. Do I have to talk about that? *thinks aloud*

So yesterday I had my appointment with my guidance counselor so she could sign my sheet for dual-enrolling. And I was a stupid 20 points away on my SAT to take the math class I want to take. 20 POINTS!! I know I'm smart enough for this math class. I know I have what it takes (said in the most un-conceited manor.). So, before the end of the school year I have to go down to the community college and take the CPT. I hope you can just take the math section. But I doubt it, you probably have to take both sections *sigh*.

*thinks aloud* THERE! I said what I was frustrated with yesterday. *thinks aloud*

Is this 500 words yet?

yepp, 645. I'll see you later today. :).

I hope you don't fail as much as I do!


Monday, April 13, 2009

New Macbook

I'm writing this blog on my NEW mac powerbook. (ok well obviously it isn't new. Seeing as they don't make the powerbook's anymore. It's new to me though :D). And I'm multi-tasking to the extreme, I'm also watching Dancing With The Stars right now :D. 

It's yet again raining outside. It's thundering and lighting a lot. And due to the severe weather our band practice was cancelled. But my band director didn't bother to send an e-mail or announce it on the intercom. So, I went to the guidance office after school to make my appointment assuming it was before band practice. I made my appointment and left the guidance office around 3:20 giving me ten minutes to get to the band room and warm up. Well, I walked to the band room and there taped on the door was a sign that rehersal had been cancelled. Well that's just fantastic. I walk into the band room and literally no one was in there. My fallback people for rides home were not there anymore. And it's not like I could drive. After five minutes it was just me and this other guy left in the band room. I called my mom and told her rehersal was cancelled and she was going to come get me after she wrapped something up with work. But I live 20 minutes away from the school. So then ten minutes after I called my mom the other guy left. So I was literally all alone in the band room. Our principal had gotten on the intercom telling us not to go outside. And for all students to go to the forum (our cafeteria). So I thought I'd walk over to the cafeteria so I would at least be around people. And once I got in the car it started POURING down rain. It was really scary to be driving during it.

And then later we met the guy who was selling this laptop, down at our church. And then I bought the laptop. 

I'm SUPPPEERR excited. I need to get the computers in sync music wise and maybe some photos.

My parents are mad because they just cut off dancing with the stars with an emergency weather report. It's actually kind of funny. They just came on to tell us that the tornado warning is no longer in effect. haha.

I think I'm going to go now. Toodles. 


Sunday, April 12, 2009

Just some more ramblings

DISCLAIMER: I just woke up from a massive nap, and my thoughts are going ALL OVER the place.

So yesterday I said that I filmed at the Easter Egg Hunt, but I want to go into more detail because the CUTEST thing happened yesterday.
So a bunch of 4, 5, and 6 year olds are lined up ready to storm into the playground area and pick up as many eggs as their easter baskets could possibly hold. That's how egg hunts work after all. But everyone was trying to remind the kids "be nice." But they're kids, I didn't think they would actually listen and BE NICE.. Well, there was this cute little asian boy who was just aimlessly standing in the middle of the playground. He looked dazed. He was holding one single laffy taffy. Naturally I knew where all of the "prize eggs" were. So I went over to him and was pointing to an egg I thought he should pick up *wink wink*. And he was still just aimlessly standing there petrified. And then the cutest thing happened. This little boy, who also noticed that this little boy was standing there petrified and not getting any of the plastic eggs filled with candy, came over and opened the little boys bag and started emptying his own basket into the little boy who had no candy's basket. It was the cutest thing ever. I thought I got it on film, but I had my record button pushing all out of sync somehow.. So I wasn't recording it :(. I only got him giving the little boy one egg. But, then shortly after I saw another petrified little kid. She was sitting underneath the slide looking STRAIGHT AT the prize egg. So I went over there and was telling her that she should grab that egg. When ANOTHER little girl with this princess easter basket came over and just started dumping a large majority of her eggs into this petrified girls empty easter basket. Yet again, Amanda slacked on her job and didn't get it on camera. But then both of the little girls came out from under the slide and their hair was sticking STRAIGHT up. It was hillarious. Their hair was so staticy..

So maybe our future generation isn't at a complete loss. I can't say I remember giving any of the kids MY Easter eggs when I was little. I mean, it was candy. In my eyes they had their chance. haha. (I'm not that much of a jerk though. Don't you worry).

So that was my experience yesterday.

I'm so glad that our church doesn't have 3 services every week. It was EXHAUSTING. To play for that long. (I play french horn in the church orchestra. I'm not sure if I've ever mentioned that fact.). But it was really good. There were a ton of people in all of the services, and Curtis (our pastor) preached a really good sermon today.

So, you know how I mentioned possibly getting a macbook? Well, there's a mac POWERBOOK, that I'm really serious about buying right now. I found it on craigslist. I'll probably go over to the persons house to see it tonight or tomorrow night. So that's exciting stuff. :D

(I love that song :D and we sang it this morning :D). (we had really good music this morning)

- Amanda.

only one hyphen GASP.

I must go, leftover brisket awaits me *licks lips*

Saturday, April 11, 2009

April 11

Yet again I have slacked on the job. But I WILL blog every day in april thank you very much.

So this morning I woke up at 6:40 to go film for breakfeast in the park.. only to find out that it's next week. I got there and no one was there *ag*. BUT to my defense it was supposed to be this weekend, no one informed me that they changed it to next weekend. but that's ok, I survived. I came back home and went back to SLEEP.

Then I filmed at the Easter Egg Hunt, and had WAYY to much fun diving onto the humongous bean bags in the new childrens building. It was a blast, but very tiring just the same.

And then we went to several car dealerships. We didn't find anything in our prince range.

For all I care if my brother hadn't gotten in his car accident his car would've been mine. But I won't be bitter, I'm holding out for a red car :D, and it's not like I have my license yet. haha.

This blog entry is really short, sorry guys.

Tomorrow is Easter :D. I love Easter.

I'd blog about deep things, but I don't have the time or energy to.


Friday, April 10, 2009


Some days it's good just to take an ubber long shower. And just stand under the water stream and letting the hot water just soothe all of your muscles. These are the opportunities where you whip out all of that fru-fru smelly good body wash and go the whole nine yards with washing your hair face, etc. And your left just feeling so soothed and relaxed. Plus you smell good (that's always a good outcome in every shower hopefully). I tend to use these times to just dwell in my thoughts and prayers. I usually feel so much better after taking one of these showers.

So, my advice to you: If you have been really stressed lately, come to a stopping point and go step into your shower. (haha). Set no time limits on this. Just stand there and relax. Believe me, it is far worth it.

Now, on to the substance of my day. (I've received two text messages since starting this blog. random fact.): I relieved my childhood way to much in photography today.
In chemistry I was just throwing myself a pity party of "I'm going to be so bored next period" and katie heard me. So she gave me four things:
- A green army men
-a wind up car
-This little ball looking figure
-And one of those pooping cows.
I had WAYY to much time with these objects. First off, the ball looking figure is what was our band director's girl friend in our stop motion we made on our LOONG 18 hour bus trip to Indiana. And it doesn't stand by itself. So I had it leaning up against the army men. And the guy who sits two down from me came over and was all "Are you trying to get them to make out or something Amanda!?". So obviously, I took a picture of it and sent it to Katie with the caption of "She's cheating on Mr. Kelly!!". It was a hilarious picture if I do say so myself.
And then the next two periods went swell. Band, and then digital design where we came up for an overall rough draft of our pamphlet portfolio things. And then during lunch we bounced down the bleachers and acted like we were gymnasts, it was a blast (only two of the people were "gymnasts" they aren't gymnasts anymore though.) So clearly we were making fools out of ourselves, but it was a BLAST.
And then in spanish I again finished my work with 30 minutes to do nothing. So I got out the wind up car and just kind of pushed it pathetically down my desk. When I got tired of this (which took all of 3 minutes), I descretly whipped out my cell phone. (my teacher saw this and didn't say anything, so I'm pretty sure it was ok). And I played Monopoly (I don't like the phone version of Monopoly btw. but I don't have the energy to explain. And then I went to math where we did math things. My math class is actually pretty cool, I have really cool classmates and a really cool teacher. And then we went to English where our teacher broke us up into groups of five. Our assignment was to make up a skit, but one of the characters can only speak using simile's and another character only using metaphors. And for extra credit the other character's could only speak in rhyme or alliteration, etc. WELL, we only had one guy in our group. And this skit was supposed to be "an appropriate High School drama". So obviously we scripted something where we were all fighting over this guy. It's the classic girl-dates-best-friends-ex boyfriend- and-boy-cheats-on-girl-for-another-girl-and-random-other-girl-is-secretly-madly-in-love-with-boy-girl-finds-out-guy-is-cheating-on-her-best-friend-says-nasty-things-about-girl-going-out-with-boy-they-all-turn-on-guy-girl-madly-in-love-jumps-at-the-chance, teen drama. hah. I'm actually sort of uncomfortable to preform it in front of the class though, nowhere was it scripted to gesturingly do anything bad.. But there's just one line.. and maybe I'm just being paranoid.. but since everything I said had to rhyme.. it was the only word that worked...
And then after school I helped set up for an NHS thing. And then I came home. Had a frustrating few hours. Then I sat on the couch. Went to free movies on demand and watched a corny 90's movie. The Babysitters club.
That's another thing, if you're ever upset. Just watch a corny 90's movie about pre-teens. haha.

And then I practiced piano. And then I took my loonngg shower.. and now I'm here, typing this blog.

Before I ever got a text message this afternoon opening a whole new door to frustration you would have been stuck with a blog about only children opposed to have siblings that you are not at all close to. I hardly ever talk to my brother. I mean, come on.. We live in the same house for crying out loud. But I'll save that long blog entry for another day.

I hope you have an absolutely wonderful Easter, and a very stress-free last few weeks of school (hah, like that'll happen). But I can dream can't I, haha.

I have a lot of thoughts swirling around in my head about what God could be doing in this situation, I've prayed about it. But I don't really have anything to say in this blog entry.


(btw, I'm listening to Veggie Tales right now :D)

Thursday, April 9, 2009


BOOO, just when I was about to realize it hit me like a *insert clever simile here* that I had signed up for VEDA and was determined not to fail.

So here I am. On day nine. Tired. And only able to make short sentences. Long sentences just sound like rubbish right now (woah Amanda? Rubbish, that's a little British don't you think?). So short sentences it is.

I really want to sleep. And not wake up untill 2:00 in the afternoon tomorrow. But alas, I can not. Tomorrow I... I'm getting ahead of myself. I should probably talk about today first. I'm like a steam engine right now, just plowing my way through to the end of school and then crashing and burning for a week and then YOUTH CAMP. *woot woot*. And then crashing and burning another week after that.

Today was a lovely day, contrary to prior belief I had absolutely nothing to do today after school which was quite enjoyable. I just finished the book I got in the mail Tuesday night. It was realllyy good (True Courage by Dee Henderson), it was the last book in a series.. But I'm not quite sure how this book fit into the series.. About the only thing relating it to the series was that it was a mystery genre of novel *shrugs shoulders*, it was good anyway. I think you should read the series it's called "True Valor" by Dee Henderson. But if you are overwhelmed by a series of books you can just read the last one "True Courage" (the one I just finished) Since it was completely unrelated.

Let me start at the beginning of the day. It was a step up, I was consciously aware of the fact that I was oversleeping. Unlike yesterday when I subconsciously heard my mom coming down the stairs and woke up saying "crud crud crud crud crud crud.." (haha, my mom said she could hear me all the way from the stairs. She thought I was having a nightmare. Which brings me to ask: Do I talk in my sleep that much? she didn't answer.). My dog is growling in her sleep. She's probably dreaming of squirels right now. HAHA. those evil things! I wonder if dogs dream, I mean she is sleeping and growling and most people do that when they are dreaming... Not for no apparent reason.. ANYWAY back on subject. I woke up with twenty minutes to get ready.
My mom fixed me this graham cracker thing with peanut butter in the middle (it's actually quite tasty) for breakfeast. And then I drove with my dad to Holly's house (we take her to school). And then we listened to the radio and I read. Then I sat outside the bandroom because the people in the office or choir room were being jerks and not letting all of the students in the band room to drop off their instruments into their lockers, and overall to just hang out. (but shh.. we're sticking with the "dropping off instruments" story.. I mean I really did need to put my instrument up, it's not like I can take my French horn to class with me.) Our band director is not a morning person and he does not have a first period, so he avoids getting to school on time at all costs, so we always cut through the choir room to get in the band room. But the choir intern got tired of us doing this and cut an end to it.

I then proceeded to talk to someone in my section about playing in the church orcehstra Sunday. Because the other french horn player was not going to be there. I thoroughly confused this person and then went to chemistry. We played with fire, and blew things up. It was a good day in Chemistry class. And then I proceeded my day as normal. In Algebra 2 I had a really easy quiz and proceeded to bug the teacher the whole period (she's a really cool teacher, so it's ok to bug her). Then I proceeded to go to english class. I HATE ENGLISH CLASS RIGHT NOW. All year our teacher has been pretty relaxed with the homework, but now it's like: "No, we're in the poetry unit. Double homework each night *ka-chaw*" (that was a meter stick slap.) Of course I'm exaggerating about the meter stick slam. But really. We have grammar homework and then we have to interpret a poem for homework. I DON'T LIKE INTERPRETING POEMS. Poetry is not really my choice of literature genre. I could survive maybe a week or two in poetry, if presented in a fun way. But 8 weeks of it!? I can't handle it!!!!!! And then I went home, messed around one the computer for an hour and curled up on my bed and closed my eyes, felt guilty for going to sleep when I told my mom I would help her plant the new flowers she got up. And eventually felt so guilty I got up and went outside. I watered all of the plants after she planted them. Then we went to On the border. Then we went to the church to look at the process of the new office's construction. I monumentally named the incline "mount TRBC" but it probably won't stick. Then we went to Kohls.

There was a time when I absolutely LOVED going dress shopping. But it's gotten to the point where every dress is to big. I found 6 dresses that were REALLY cute, and they were all 80 percent off (I know, excellent deal right?) And only one of them fit. *sigh*. (Please don't get whiney with me about this complaint. I am not paranoid about this, it just gets rather annoying when dress shopping, that's all.)

And then I came home, did my homework, lounged around on facebook and then I remembered VEDA. And here I am!

I'll talk to you tomorrow about tomorrow. haha.

-------------- AMANDA

I'm going to go sleep now.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Randomness Prevails

I had this whole blog entry planned in my head this morning, and then I went to homeroom just now. So now I’m going to semi-scrap that idea and share a story that everyone should learn from.

As crummy and late my night was last night, at least I didn’t have a project that determined my grade and whether or not I got my masters degree.

So my homeroom teacher is in graduate school right now working towards her masters degree, and she had this HUGE 28 page essay due tonight. Last week was spring break at our school, so she stayed home the whole week to just work on that project. And yesterday she had finished, and she was re-reading everything before she printed it out so that she didn’t waste 28 pieces of paper. The file was only saved on her flash drive (the thing she is now regretting endlessly). She was on the last page, and she was so happy and satisfied with what she had done, when a small box popped up on the screen that said “this file has become corrupted” and then everything turned to gibberish symbols. It was the only saved copy she had and it is due today. That is pretty much devastating. She e-mailed her professor but she said her professor is very unforgiving.

But that stinks, me saving something in a wrong file format is pretty small in the grand scheme of things.

Anyway, I just wanted to share that story.

Now to what I planned:

It’s Not Supposed To Be This Cold In April
(that was going to be the title)

Let me get this straight in your mind: I live in Florida. The SUNSHINE state. So why has it been getting so cold this season!? It was just starting to warm up, it felt sooo good. The sun beaming down and soaking up the rays. Then why all of a sudden is it going down to the freezing temperatures with a chilling wind? That’s just not right! haha.
I guess we Floridians are pretty spoiled though with all of the sunshine, I guess I can’t complain that much, it could have been freezing for the past 5 months. I’m grateful that it hasn’t. J

Today at school we have the “honor-roll luncheon”. Basically everyone with a GPA of 3.0 or higher goes to the soccer practice field and they give us free subway. In the past I think they have given us a longer lunch time, but not today. That’s ok though seeing as it’s kind of chilly outside. I complain to much about our principal it’s not all of her fault. But it can’t be denied that I liked our old principal a lot better. (Sorry that was random. In my head I was blaming our current principal for not having a longer lunch for the honor roll picnic thing.)

Oh, and to top everything off with a nice cherry on my “Marathon Wednesdays” today I ALSO have a NHS meeting.
I’m greatly looking forward to the Extreme Makeover: Home Edition coming on this Sunday, because it was in my town. One of their kid’s was in my digital design class last year, but I didn’t personally know him that well. I only really heard all of the buzz around time, I never had the chance to go watch the construction process. Our band was going to play in the unveiling but unfortunately it didn’t work out. So that is one thing I’m greatly looking forward to.

I need to get a 9-Volt battery before Saturday morning. (again that was random, but I was hoping that if I typed it I would remember it.) Because like a fool, I accidentally left on the wireless microphone I have for my camera and the battery has died. I need it for a video I’m filming on Saturday.

I guess that’s all that I really have to say for today.

OH, and the last two days in English we had been studying Emily Dickinson. She was an… interesting… person. 100 letters to a mysterious lover? HMMMM…. But I kept thinking of what Maureen Johnson had said about her in one of her blogs. Haha.
And, I completely interpreted one of Emily Dickinson’s poem to be about someone meeting a spy and loving a spy because it was late when I was interpreting it (I was delirious I was so tired, haha) and because my teacher said it had to be “unique”. My interpretation was unique all right!

-------- Amanda (that’s a lot of hyphens.)

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


Really, it seems like a crisis always comes up on something I'm working on WHEN I WANT TO GO TO SLEEP. *cry*

I'm really sorry that this will not be a "proper blog" what ever a proper blog is defined as, and whoever defines a proper.

The fuse on my temper is so short, my dog impatiently barking is about to send me over the edge.

I really want to spare you this site so I will leave you now.

The sad thing is I probably won't make a "proper blog" tomorrow either.

Unless I do it in photography class...

I'll probably write it in photography.

AND NOW I'M JUST RAMBLING. ok, I'm going to leave now.


Monday, April 6, 2009

Just one of those days...

Wow, don't you love the timing God has sometimes.
So, I made that first blog where I was all "Everything God does is good and he has a plan" and yadda yadda yadda. And I just had an extremely crummy day, I'm not going to lie. I'd like to talk about it, but it's really not my business to be sharing and saying it out loud would just make it all true. *sigh*. So here I am throwing myself my own little personal pitty depression party, when I remember this whole BEDA business, and then I remember that first blog post and what I said. DUH DUH DUH. I pretty much had to take a step back and say "now wait a minute Amanda, here you are all bummed out and mad and upset and what not. But there is something good to be found here.". But that's a lot to swallow. I'm working on it. I'm trying to find the good, really I am. But it's like finding a needle in a haystack. Chances are I won't find it for a verrrrryy long time. But that doesn't mean that needle doesn't exist.

On a somewhat related note, don't you just hate it when your all mad and upset and you just want to dwell in your own mad and upsetted state and that ONE person is all happy and trying to make you happy too, but the way they approach it is just REALLY annoying? And then you want to just take a jab at their head, but then you realize how absurd this thought it. I mean it is your best friend after all and they Are just worried about you and hate to see you all upset. So what's the big deal?

I am clearly not claiming to be perfect in this situation, I am still upset and I still get rather annoyed at people who try to annoyingly yank me out of this reality. But I'm trying to be more clear headed and realize that it's not all about me in this situation.

GRAWRR. what ever. I'm just going to COMPLETELY change topics now :D.
If you read all of that, cool.. post your responses below, maybe we can learn from each other's experiences?


100 (or however many I come up with) things about Amanda:
1) I'm a christian and this is a very big portion of my life
2) I'm a band nerd.. which is also a very large portion of my life
2a) I play French Horn
3) I'm a sophmore in Highschool
4) In the fall, I pretty much have no life. Marching Band IS my life
5) I enjoy making videos quite a lot
6) My hope is to major in film in college, and in the workfield do something in film
7) I have moved 3 times
8) I have participated in Nanowrimo and won!
9) I have been apart of a youtube collaboration channel.. but it didn't really work out..
10) I am a HUGE book worm
11) Seriously, I read wayy to many books
12) One of my favorite authors recently is Karen Kingsbury
14) I've also been quite the techie
-When I was in fifth or sixth grade I made my parents two power point presentations:
*One on why they should get me and my brother a dog, and one on why they should
make my bed time later (and yes, my bed time was changed :p)
15) I have played the piano since I was in the second or third grade
16) I sort of kind of play the guitar (I don't play it very well)
17) Next year I'm dual-enrolling at the community college (taking all of my electives at the highschool I attend and all of the core classes at the community college.)
18) I have an interesting personality. It isn't uncommon for me to start randomly doing a funky dance when I'm happy (I can't dance..)
19) I make my friends laugh
20) I'm actually sort of shy when I'm around people I don't know, or depending on the atmosphere of people
21) um um um um um um

Yeah, I guess that's really all for now. I might make another blog entry tonight. And my day wasn't ALL bad. I actually went to moes with some of my brass player friends after school (because we had sectionals from 4:45 to 5:45 and school got out at 3:10). And that was really fun, we shared stupid childhood stories, Leah got a free drink because she "was with the loud group of girls" from one of the managers. I don't know what he was trying to say with that. Katie and I made Peter Pan hats out of the construction paper in the back seat of Jennifer's car.. And instead of flipping a coin to see which direction to turn (we are very indecisive people when it comes to picking out a place to eat) we went the opposite direction of the car in front of us!

BLAH, now I must end this blog and do my homework.. HA! Amanda actually doing her homework at home, that's funny. (I'm very good at getting my homework done in the multitude of knock off classes that I have). I might attempt it. But seriously Mrs. Zatoris, how am I supposed to compare highschool to a man in a simile poem?!

oh, and all I have to say about Genesis chapter 8 to about chapter 14 is that they lived REALLY LONG. I'm not sure I would want to live for 900 years.. haha

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Becoming Jane

Never in my life have I been able to make so many Harry Potter references in a completely unrelated movie than last night.

I was yet again encouraged to watch/read a depressing movie/book. I was mad. But that's not what I was getting at.

Becoming Jane. The movie starts and and all is well, they show everyone in the family but there is no talking yet. And then the camera lands on the adults face.
"That lady is the one who plays Mrs. Weasley in Harry Potter!" I outburst
"No it isn't. hush up Amanda."

woah please let me interrupt this story (I'm so ADD) to tell you that I JUST looked down at my toe and there was a black speck on it. At first I thought it was just a speck of dirt but then I tried to get it off... It was not a speck of dirt... It's some odd bug bite... I remember something biting me Friday night when we were going through the swamp flooded area thing.. But this is the first time I've seen the black speck...

Sorry about that, continuing on.

"Yes it is!!.. wait no it isn't." I say dissapointed in myself.

But then the movie continues, it WAS the lady who played Mrs. Weasley in Harry Potter. Shortly after I had confirmed this fact in my mind the family visits this HUGE estate, and who is the lady playing the aunt person? None other than the actress who plays Mcgonogal. (I'm pretty sure I butchered that spelling, it's been a long time since I've seen the name in print.). I point this out to Janice who just laughs. And then what do you know this is what the actress who plays McGonogal says: "I'd like to introduce you to my nephew, Mr. Weasley." BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Weasley. AND to top it all off, the person who played Mr. Weasley had red hair.

So there you have it folks, oh and btw... the black spot was just a piece of dirt after all. *sigh* I wanted it to be some foreign bite thing. That would be something semi-interesting to talk about this month.

So, this past week has been my spring break and I sadly return back to school tomorrow. It's going to be really stressful, hectic, and busy. All of my weeks are.. But this week especially because we are signing up for our classes for next year.. And my schedule requires me to go to my counselor and have a little chat. Because I just have to always be the complicated one. haha. (I'm dual enrolling next year.. But I'll give you that schpiel later).

I also get my SAT results on Tuesday. I'm really not worried about that, because I'm fairly certain I've done well enough to qualify to dual-enroll.. But I could be wrong. I just think it will be interesting to see where I rank and what not.

And then then then. All of the auctions I'm watching for that macbook end on Wednesday and Thursday so keep your fingers crossed. haha.

But this is my ORDINARY weekly schedule:

Monday- School (8:10 to 3:10), Sectionals (3:30 to 4:30 on week, the next 4:45 to 5:45 *every other week it changes times like that*)
Tuesday- School (ditto), Piano (technically from 4:00 to 4:30.. But I just go straight there), chill in my dad's office (4:30 to whenever he can take me home. usually around 5:45)
Wednesday- School, Jazz band (3:30 to 5:00), church (5:15 to 7:30), church orchestra (7:30 to 9)
Thursday: school, Usually nothing.
Friday: school, Usually nothing
Saturday: Usually something to do with band or nothing

BUT this week here's what I have going on.
Monday: Usual but the 4:45 to 5:45 sectional
Tuesday: Usual
Wednesday: Usual
Thursday:school and helping with NHS talent show dress rehersal
Friday: school, and setting up for NHS talent show then actually helping at the talent show (that'll be whole afternoon/night worth)
Saturday: Morning-film for a video I'm making and Rest of day- help with Easter Egg Hunt at church
Sunday: Easter

so um.. I don't mean for that to sound all whiney.. I really love what I do or I wouldn't be doing it.. It just gets a little stressful sometimes when teachers decide to also give you homework and pointless projects. haha

40 days left of school *Woot woot*

AND AND AND. I just saw a cockroach run across my room and underneath my dresser.. That means that there is a cockroach in my room and I'm not sure if it has left or if it's still here waiting for me. Obviously I can't kill it if I can't see it...

this has been yet another pointless blog entry by Amanda.. Tune in another day where I'll possibly give my schpiel about:
-Dual Enrollment
-All State (expect that one to be a quite lengthy rant)
-I mentioned other things but I don't remember them right now..

Oh, and in an effort to sound all smart and informed of world wide affairs: What do you think about North Korea's rocket launch? What do you think will come of this? It's actually pretty creepy if you think about what this means people have the power to do... on both ends of the spectrum..

*Disclaimer: I really don't know what I'm talking about (haha) I just wanted to sound all smart and informed. My views could be completely and utterly wrong, but they are my views. I don't claim to have any proof to back up what I say.. Unless I say I have proof or show that I have proof.. then I do have proof (you don't say?!) hahahahaha

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Pizza Delivery

I have about 30 minutes until a complete stranger will show up on my doorstep, trading 15 dollars for a large half meat lovers, half cheese pizza.

Since when did ordering a pizza have to be so confusing?

"Would you like the hand tossed crust style, the thin in crispy, the pan style, the stuffed crust, the hand tossed pan style, the New York pan style, or the deep pan style crust?"
"UMM.... which one is just a thick pizza."
"Yes, you want the *lists name that makes no coherent sense*"
"Sure.. I guess..."
"So you would like a left side meatlovers right side cheese lovers except the left side aflkjhgfo;hafkljhgflafd"
"umm..... sure.."
"Yes, it will be at your house at approximately 6:21. Your total is 14.89"
"ok... thanks?"
"Thank you for choosing Pizza hut."

Now, I'm going to have to be honest. This conversation did not happen because learning from past experiences I used online checkout where I could dwell in my own confusion lacking any embarrassment or being rushed into something I do not want. But this conversation would probably be the one taking place if I had the guts to pick up the phone and call.
Why can't ordering pizza be as simple as "cheese or pepperoni? Thick or Thin crust?" Those were the easier and simpler days.

Which brings me to my next point.

I HATE talking on the phone. I don't know what it is (well that's a lie, I do know what it is and I'm about to tell you what it is. HA.) about talking on the phone, but I do not like it.
First you have the people who call you with no purpose whatsoever and you don't know how to politely tell them your not really interested in the fact that they have nothing to do.

There you are enjoying a rather good book, your at the climax and you are just about to find out "who dun' it" and then your phone rings. You glare at the interruption and you notice it is your friend that you just talked to five minutes ago on Facebook. You figure nothing that serious could happen in five minutes, they were fine. They couldn't have been hit by a car because they were sitting home alone in front of their computer. They couldn't have been kidnapped because how would they be calling you? So you just ignore it. And then it rings again, and again, and again. FINALLY you pick it up, seething mad that they have interrupted your perfectly good book. And you are introduced with this line. "I'm Bored..." AGGLESNAP (I made that word up this morning haha). "Yeah well can I call you back later I'm reading a good book." you try to tell them. But they aren't very good at taking a really blunt hint. "Yes, But I'm bored. Can't you talk to me?".

And then you have the people who call you when they are in the middle of something really loud and they have really low coverage. They very well maybe telling you something very important but you can not understand them. They say something that sounds like "pick up the hot dog", but you know that can't possibly be what they said. So you loudly yell "what!?" into the phone. They repeat what they said again. Now both of you are yelling into the phone, but it is of no use neither one of you can fully understand what the other is saying.

Can't you just text me? sheesh. It's a lot easier. There are a lot of situations of annoyances dealing with people talking on the phone. Don't EVEN get me started about bluetooth headsets. You have that person who looks like they are talking to you. But then you remind yourself that they don't even know you, why would they be asking you to pick up the balloons for their Andrew's birthday party.. you don't even know anyone named Andrew.. And then you have the person who just looks like they are talking to themselves. It's actually really annoying because they'll just be standing there simply talking.


This really had nothing to do with my day, other than the whole ordering Pizza thing...
My day has actually been rather unproductive..

Yesterday I read Genesis 3 and 4.. but it was just about Adam's geneology.. not really that interesting.. but just think of all that incest. ewww.. well, they had to populate the Earth SOMEHOW didn't they. lol.

-- Amanda

Am I the only one with this harbored hatred against talking on cellphones?

Friday, April 3, 2009


"Girls, Girls. Let me give you a little advice. Playing Monopoly is like buying a car, which is like a war and YOU are the enemy and THIS *weird hand motion over the board of the game* is the battlefield." -Mr. Peters
*several minutes later*
"You girls are fierce." says Mr. Peters
"Mr. Peters, Playing Monopoly is like buying a car..." All of the girls chime in unison.
"THIS is a battlefield" Samantha and Sierra interject at the exact same time.


That was some dialogue from the Monopoly rematch, and let me just take the time to gloat for a little bit. WE WON. WE WON. WE WON. WOO-HOO..
ok well.. I sort of kind of won.. you see my team (Samantha and I) sort of kind of went bankrupt because Janice and Sierra put hotels on their property, and before Sierra's brother Reid showed up that would have been perfectly fine. Because no joke we landed on their property 5 times, and they NEVER were paying enough attention to realize it. We would just hand them the dice and once the dice hit the board we would laugh hysterically.. But then Reid came and started to remind them. Then Sierra had to leave and the girls joined forces. The important thing is though, that Mr. Peters LOST! HAH!

And then before that me and Samantha had an.. interesting.. time trying to make art out of cookie dough. It didn't work out to well.. She wanted to make the mickey mouse shape.. and after being cooked it just expanded into itself. But no, we were to attached to give up. We got out the spatula and the knife and a spoon. We preformed intense surgery on Mickey Mouse. Our efforts were successful and we laid Mickey Mouse on top of the stove to "recover" from his surgery. After 10 minutes we decided to attempt to move Mickey Mouse onto a platter... Well, um... Mickey Mouse did not make it.. Mickey mouse fell into pieces.. And it pretty much went from there.

So my 'profound' thought of the day. Why does our opinion of something change so much just because of how it looks. I mean the bits and pieces of Mickey Mouse TASTED the same as it would have if it had been in all one piece.. But yet, it looked so disgusting.

Samantha and I had to walk to the Monopoly re-match. It wasn't to terrible of a walk, but my parents were in Georgia and a walk never hurt anyone. Until we saw and heard the first dog.

It was intense, it barked at us, we barked back, it barked back louder, and then we barked back even louder, it would move one paw and we would take off running. That's all we needed was for nothing to be left behind except one red-chipped painted toe-nail left behind because a blood hungry dog decided to eat us.. The fact that the dog was behind an invisible fence meant nothing. We decided that if anyone asked what happened to the cookies that would be our story "a dog was chasing us".

But then we heard laughter coming from the Peter's house as we came into view of their house while walking down the street. So we started limping while inventing a story in our mind.

"But but but, we just wanted the mans candy! We were smart enough not to actually go with him, we would get the candy and run.. But then the guy had a gun.. and we dropped the candy as we ran.. We couldn't just leave the candy and go through all of that trouble for nothing.. We were shot in the leg. But I'm like Kyle XY.. my blood clots very quickly.. that's why you see no blood... and that's why the cookies were all messed up.."

We didn't think they would buy that story.. so we settled for the truth..

Now in other news, down the street from my house there is this swampy little pond area thing that likes to flood when we get large quantities of rain. And with little to no exaggeration it has rained ALL week long, stopping for only an hour or so once this week. And slowly this little swampy pond area thing started to fill up, and fill up, and fill up, and fill up, and FINALLY it flooded into the street. To non-locals of the little circle I live on it may appear that this flooding of the street is no big deal. They're thinking "how could it possibly be THAT deep, I mean.. I can see the bottom right now." But to the inhabitants of the circle we just sit back and laugh, well then we warn them. It may appear that it's not that deep, but in the middle it gets deep! Two cars alone got stuck thinking they were better than everyone else and could go through it. HA! (actually that pretty much stinks that they got stuck.. but it's a little humorous).

Samantha and I had to sort of kind of walk through this flooded part. By sort of kind of I mean, we weren't walking through the street, but on the opposite side of the street is just foresty and thorny growth.. And I thought I would be all "TARZAN AMANDA" and actually go through the forest stuff instead of walking in a LITTLE bit of mud.. Let me tell you, that was not a good idea. If given a choice, go through the mud.

UM UM UM.. I think that's all for today.. Except I dunno what was wrong with me last night but I was reading Genesis chapter 2 last night.. and something just struck me funny. It was talking about the whole "for this reason a man and a woman must leave their parents and the two shall become one" business. Because it was talking about how God took one of Adam's ribs and made Eve out of it. But I just kept thinking of someone like on their honeymoon and all "I think your missing something.. I think I have one of your ribs." IDK it was a lot funnier in my mind.

Yours Truly,