Thursday, April 30, 2009

Katies Story Part 2

Surely she didn't look like that, she thought. The car hit her in the hip, she thought. Or maybe it hit her in the back. Or maybe she fell and it just ran over her. It was all so confusing to Katie. She couldn't remember what exactly had happened. All she knew now was there was a long ghastly scar running across her forehead, the back of her head felt like someone was hitting it with a jackhammer, and her cheek burned.

A tear trickled down her cheek and the salt caused her cheek to hurt even more; she cringed with pain.

By this time the tuba player had noticed that katie had woken up. He was a little shy and embarrased that he was still in her room and that she had undoubtedly already noticed him. He had never said a word to her in his life, but his feeling were to involved to not stay and make sure she was ok.

The tears were coming harder and katie was about to wipe them away, but just as she moved her arm, unbearable pain shot through her body. She looked down and noticed why. It was in a sling, it must be broken.

That was when everything was put into perspective. No good left hand, no french horn playing. No french horn playing, no Juliard. No Juliard, no music. Her perfect little plan she had made was ruined. There was no hope of becoming a band director or professional musician anymore.

Besides, who would be able to stand the site of her anymore.

The tuba player sitting beside Katie's bed grabbed a kleenex and started to wipe away Katies tears, while at the same time trying to calm her down.

Katie flinched away from the his hand and opened her mouth to ask who in the world he was. But no sound came out when she tried.

With her good hand she grasped her throat, and the tuba player figured out that her throat must be dry. So he handed her a piece of ice, which she gratefully took.

Just as the ice began to melt and she felt she could say something the tuba players phone buzzed.

A text message.

He looked at the text message and quickly responded and then explained that he had to leave for a minute or two.

Katie was so confused.

And then a man in a white coat came in, the doctor, and looked at a bunch of the machines and then came over beside the bed where katie layed.

He asked her a bunch of questions like "how is the pain" and "what year is it" and "who is the president." She answered all of his questions and then he started poking at her arm.

Each poke sent another shrill of pain through her arm and then she saw a bone portruding through her elbow. She would have thrown up right then and there if it weren't for the fact that the strange guy entered the room again, distracting her.

He actually was pretty attractive. Even if his eyes were blood shot. He was pretty tall and had short brown hair. He looked like a movie star. (woo-hoo for cliche's amanda!).

Katie's thoughts were pulled back to reality when she realized that her dad was saying something to her about another surgery. She didn't really know what he had just aksed her, but she nodded anyway. And then the doctor put something over her face and she became very lightheaded and suddenly she was being pulled back into the blackness.

She fought the blackness with everything she had, writhing around on her bed which only made the pain ten times worse. But then she felt someone grab her hand. The hand was unfamiliar. Bigger than her dads and was a little cold, but for some reason it felt like it belonged. 

And this time instead of being pulled into darkness, she was pulled into dreams of the other guy. (the tuba player).

When she woke up again outside the windows she saw that the sun was brightly shining, it was probably a very pretty day outside, and her room was dark. At this time no one was in the room but she heard voices outside the hospital room. One of the voices belonged to her father, she knew that much, another voice she thought belonged to her director from Juliard, but she couldn't place the third voice. 

She couldn't understand what they were saying, they were putting an effort into keeping their voices down. 

And  then her dad poked his head inside the door and then walked in. 

Noticing Katie was awake he turned on the lights with the dimmer and asked if she wanted to see Mr. Kelly. (haha, and you said he wasn't going to be your director. But *sings* I've got the power!!)

At first Katie could think of no reason why her director couldn't come in and see her. But then she remembered the mirror. 

What an embarrassment, she thought. She was afraid he would never look at her the same way. 

But before she could say anything her dad had already gone back into the hallway to get Mr. Kelly. 

He came back into the room with a card, which he handed to Katie. 

He proceeded to try to make a joke on how he thought that surely if he ever had to visit her in the hospital it would be because of a repeat from her tenth grade year. 

Katie didn't find the joke very funny. And she was in a snippy mood to begin with. So she snapped back asking how his eye was. 

He understood that maybe now wasn't the time to bother katie and so he apologized that this tragedy has happened and then left wishing her a speedy recovery.

Katie opened it with one arm, and for the first time noticed that her left arm was now in a full arm cast and her fingers were squeezed tightly together with little to no wiggle room. 

Before Katie fell asleep she read the card. Inside the card was a bunch of names that she could not match faces to, but being helpful each person put the instrument the played next to their name. 

She fell asleep with the card still in her lap and when she woke up again the tuba player was once again at her side. 

(Wow, this is turning into a full-blown story.)

He was in a light sleep but heard Katie's movements and he stirred in his seat and then woke up. 

He looked a little more rested today, not by much though, and he had found the time to shave.

This was it, Katie thought, she was alone with him. She could finally get her answers. 

So she asked him. All of the questions she had. 

Who he was: the principal Tuba player in her band. Adam
What was the date: April 30. 
  Katie's fish died on April 1st. She had been in the hospital for a month loosing and regaining conciousness unperiodically the whole time. She was supposed to of played in 3 concerts in that time. 
Why he was here: which he answered with every last detail. Except possibly that he had been developing feelings for her ever since. She talked in her sleep. (Woo-hoo. Score 2 for cliche's). 

Her dreams were nothing special. But the absurdity of them always made him laugh. It was like he knew Katie that much more just because he heard her dreams. 

One time he caught her saying "if you hold the mute to your ears it goes bwah bwah bwah." or "nu-uh I flew into the pole." 

Some of her dreams had his heart going out to her. He didn't know how she managed it all.

Over the next few weeks Katie was able to stay awake longer and longer and the only thing that seemed to keep her day going, for her parents had to leave for a week because her dad had a case he was working on and her mom was an elementary school teacher, was his bi-daily visits (once in the morning and once in the afternoon). 

He would keep her up to date on what was going on in the band and what ridiculous songs they were playing. 

She could do without those updates though, they only made her more upset. But she wasn't going to tell him that. She enjoyed seeing him every day too much.

They got to know each other more and more and one day Katie couldn't bear to look outside and see the beautiful sunshine and not be able to take advantage of the weather. 

She all but begged the doctors to let her go outside but they wouldn't let her go alone. So she waited for him, but that day he didn't show up. 

DUHN DUHN DUHN. (happy DJ!? I put an 'N' at the end.)

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