Monday, April 13, 2009

New Macbook

I'm writing this blog on my NEW mac powerbook. (ok well obviously it isn't new. Seeing as they don't make the powerbook's anymore. It's new to me though :D). And I'm multi-tasking to the extreme, I'm also watching Dancing With The Stars right now :D. 

It's yet again raining outside. It's thundering and lighting a lot. And due to the severe weather our band practice was cancelled. But my band director didn't bother to send an e-mail or announce it on the intercom. So, I went to the guidance office after school to make my appointment assuming it was before band practice. I made my appointment and left the guidance office around 3:20 giving me ten minutes to get to the band room and warm up. Well, I walked to the band room and there taped on the door was a sign that rehersal had been cancelled. Well that's just fantastic. I walk into the band room and literally no one was in there. My fallback people for rides home were not there anymore. And it's not like I could drive. After five minutes it was just me and this other guy left in the band room. I called my mom and told her rehersal was cancelled and she was going to come get me after she wrapped something up with work. But I live 20 minutes away from the school. So then ten minutes after I called my mom the other guy left. So I was literally all alone in the band room. Our principal had gotten on the intercom telling us not to go outside. And for all students to go to the forum (our cafeteria). So I thought I'd walk over to the cafeteria so I would at least be around people. And once I got in the car it started POURING down rain. It was really scary to be driving during it.

And then later we met the guy who was selling this laptop, down at our church. And then I bought the laptop. 

I'm SUPPPEERR excited. I need to get the computers in sync music wise and maybe some photos.

My parents are mad because they just cut off dancing with the stars with an emergency weather report. It's actually kind of funny. They just came on to tell us that the tornado warning is no longer in effect. haha.

I think I'm going to go now. Toodles. 


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