Friday, April 10, 2009


Some days it's good just to take an ubber long shower. And just stand under the water stream and letting the hot water just soothe all of your muscles. These are the opportunities where you whip out all of that fru-fru smelly good body wash and go the whole nine yards with washing your hair face, etc. And your left just feeling so soothed and relaxed. Plus you smell good (that's always a good outcome in every shower hopefully). I tend to use these times to just dwell in my thoughts and prayers. I usually feel so much better after taking one of these showers.

So, my advice to you: If you have been really stressed lately, come to a stopping point and go step into your shower. (haha). Set no time limits on this. Just stand there and relax. Believe me, it is far worth it.

Now, on to the substance of my day. (I've received two text messages since starting this blog. random fact.): I relieved my childhood way to much in photography today.
In chemistry I was just throwing myself a pity party of "I'm going to be so bored next period" and katie heard me. So she gave me four things:
- A green army men
-a wind up car
-This little ball looking figure
-And one of those pooping cows.
I had WAYY to much time with these objects. First off, the ball looking figure is what was our band director's girl friend in our stop motion we made on our LOONG 18 hour bus trip to Indiana. And it doesn't stand by itself. So I had it leaning up against the army men. And the guy who sits two down from me came over and was all "Are you trying to get them to make out or something Amanda!?". So obviously, I took a picture of it and sent it to Katie with the caption of "She's cheating on Mr. Kelly!!". It was a hilarious picture if I do say so myself.
And then the next two periods went swell. Band, and then digital design where we came up for an overall rough draft of our pamphlet portfolio things. And then during lunch we bounced down the bleachers and acted like we were gymnasts, it was a blast (only two of the people were "gymnasts" they aren't gymnasts anymore though.) So clearly we were making fools out of ourselves, but it was a BLAST.
And then in spanish I again finished my work with 30 minutes to do nothing. So I got out the wind up car and just kind of pushed it pathetically down my desk. When I got tired of this (which took all of 3 minutes), I descretly whipped out my cell phone. (my teacher saw this and didn't say anything, so I'm pretty sure it was ok). And I played Monopoly (I don't like the phone version of Monopoly btw. but I don't have the energy to explain. And then I went to math where we did math things. My math class is actually pretty cool, I have really cool classmates and a really cool teacher. And then we went to English where our teacher broke us up into groups of five. Our assignment was to make up a skit, but one of the characters can only speak using simile's and another character only using metaphors. And for extra credit the other character's could only speak in rhyme or alliteration, etc. WELL, we only had one guy in our group. And this skit was supposed to be "an appropriate High School drama". So obviously we scripted something where we were all fighting over this guy. It's the classic girl-dates-best-friends-ex boyfriend- and-boy-cheats-on-girl-for-another-girl-and-random-other-girl-is-secretly-madly-in-love-with-boy-girl-finds-out-guy-is-cheating-on-her-best-friend-says-nasty-things-about-girl-going-out-with-boy-they-all-turn-on-guy-girl-madly-in-love-jumps-at-the-chance, teen drama. hah. I'm actually sort of uncomfortable to preform it in front of the class though, nowhere was it scripted to gesturingly do anything bad.. But there's just one line.. and maybe I'm just being paranoid.. but since everything I said had to rhyme.. it was the only word that worked...
And then after school I helped set up for an NHS thing. And then I came home. Had a frustrating few hours. Then I sat on the couch. Went to free movies on demand and watched a corny 90's movie. The Babysitters club.
That's another thing, if you're ever upset. Just watch a corny 90's movie about pre-teens. haha.

And then I practiced piano. And then I took my loonngg shower.. and now I'm here, typing this blog.

Before I ever got a text message this afternoon opening a whole new door to frustration you would have been stuck with a blog about only children opposed to have siblings that you are not at all close to. I hardly ever talk to my brother. I mean, come on.. We live in the same house for crying out loud. But I'll save that long blog entry for another day.

I hope you have an absolutely wonderful Easter, and a very stress-free last few weeks of school (hah, like that'll happen). But I can dream can't I, haha.

I have a lot of thoughts swirling around in my head about what God could be doing in this situation, I've prayed about it. But I don't really have anything to say in this blog entry.


(btw, I'm listening to Veggie Tales right now :D)

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