Sunday, April 26, 2009

My ubber long nap

So my day was pretty boring from a bystanders perspective.

I went to church and we did this fake argument thing that was pretty cool (I was in the Roman group haha).
And then my family and I went to Outback.
I surfed the internet for an hour.
I fell asleep at 3 and then woke up at 6:45.
I cleaned up my computer files.
I practiced piano for an hour.. maybe a little more..
I cleaned my room.
And here I am, hoping that I will be able to fall back asleep. (I think I'll be able to actually, I'm still a little tired.. my eyes are drooping a little.)

I would say my day was altogether unproductive. But AHA I can say I was doing something productive while I was sleeping.

While I was sleeping I imported all of the footage into their appropriate files from my camera. (Egg hunt footage, and breakfeast in the park footage.)

So, :p, this day wasn't a waste.

Though it's kind of dissapointing, because this day basically was a waste. It was pretty much a day of rest. But sometimes those days are needed.. I needed this day to keep me going the last few weeks of school. (4 weeks plus exam week. Not that I'm counting or anything. haha).

So that is all.

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