Sunday, April 5, 2009

Becoming Jane

Never in my life have I been able to make so many Harry Potter references in a completely unrelated movie than last night.

I was yet again encouraged to watch/read a depressing movie/book. I was mad. But that's not what I was getting at.

Becoming Jane. The movie starts and and all is well, they show everyone in the family but there is no talking yet. And then the camera lands on the adults face.
"That lady is the one who plays Mrs. Weasley in Harry Potter!" I outburst
"No it isn't. hush up Amanda."

woah please let me interrupt this story (I'm so ADD) to tell you that I JUST looked down at my toe and there was a black speck on it. At first I thought it was just a speck of dirt but then I tried to get it off... It was not a speck of dirt... It's some odd bug bite... I remember something biting me Friday night when we were going through the swamp flooded area thing.. But this is the first time I've seen the black speck...

Sorry about that, continuing on.

"Yes it is!!.. wait no it isn't." I say dissapointed in myself.

But then the movie continues, it WAS the lady who played Mrs. Weasley in Harry Potter. Shortly after I had confirmed this fact in my mind the family visits this HUGE estate, and who is the lady playing the aunt person? None other than the actress who plays Mcgonogal. (I'm pretty sure I butchered that spelling, it's been a long time since I've seen the name in print.). I point this out to Janice who just laughs. And then what do you know this is what the actress who plays McGonogal says: "I'd like to introduce you to my nephew, Mr. Weasley." BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Weasley. AND to top it all off, the person who played Mr. Weasley had red hair.

So there you have it folks, oh and btw... the black spot was just a piece of dirt after all. *sigh* I wanted it to be some foreign bite thing. That would be something semi-interesting to talk about this month.

So, this past week has been my spring break and I sadly return back to school tomorrow. It's going to be really stressful, hectic, and busy. All of my weeks are.. But this week especially because we are signing up for our classes for next year.. And my schedule requires me to go to my counselor and have a little chat. Because I just have to always be the complicated one. haha. (I'm dual enrolling next year.. But I'll give you that schpiel later).

I also get my SAT results on Tuesday. I'm really not worried about that, because I'm fairly certain I've done well enough to qualify to dual-enroll.. But I could be wrong. I just think it will be interesting to see where I rank and what not.

And then then then. All of the auctions I'm watching for that macbook end on Wednesday and Thursday so keep your fingers crossed. haha.

But this is my ORDINARY weekly schedule:

Monday- School (8:10 to 3:10), Sectionals (3:30 to 4:30 on week, the next 4:45 to 5:45 *every other week it changes times like that*)
Tuesday- School (ditto), Piano (technically from 4:00 to 4:30.. But I just go straight there), chill in my dad's office (4:30 to whenever he can take me home. usually around 5:45)
Wednesday- School, Jazz band (3:30 to 5:00), church (5:15 to 7:30), church orchestra (7:30 to 9)
Thursday: school, Usually nothing.
Friday: school, Usually nothing
Saturday: Usually something to do with band or nothing

BUT this week here's what I have going on.
Monday: Usual but the 4:45 to 5:45 sectional
Tuesday: Usual
Wednesday: Usual
Thursday:school and helping with NHS talent show dress rehersal
Friday: school, and setting up for NHS talent show then actually helping at the talent show (that'll be whole afternoon/night worth)
Saturday: Morning-film for a video I'm making and Rest of day- help with Easter Egg Hunt at church
Sunday: Easter

so um.. I don't mean for that to sound all whiney.. I really love what I do or I wouldn't be doing it.. It just gets a little stressful sometimes when teachers decide to also give you homework and pointless projects. haha

40 days left of school *Woot woot*

AND AND AND. I just saw a cockroach run across my room and underneath my dresser.. That means that there is a cockroach in my room and I'm not sure if it has left or if it's still here waiting for me. Obviously I can't kill it if I can't see it...

this has been yet another pointless blog entry by Amanda.. Tune in another day where I'll possibly give my schpiel about:
-Dual Enrollment
-All State (expect that one to be a quite lengthy rant)
-I mentioned other things but I don't remember them right now..

Oh, and in an effort to sound all smart and informed of world wide affairs: What do you think about North Korea's rocket launch? What do you think will come of this? It's actually pretty creepy if you think about what this means people have the power to do... on both ends of the spectrum..

*Disclaimer: I really don't know what I'm talking about (haha) I just wanted to sound all smart and informed. My views could be completely and utterly wrong, but they are my views. I don't claim to have any proof to back up what I say.. Unless I say I have proof or show that I have proof.. then I do have proof (you don't say?!) hahahahaha

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love Jane Austen marathons. And HP characters get around. Have you seen Thunderpants? Also, I play the clarinet. I go to Broken Arrow [maybe you've heard of us?]. I don't march anymore. After 2006 I decided not to do it anymore. I still play in the wind ensemble though. Good luck on the SAT score. Where are you going to school next year?