Friday, April 3, 2009


"Girls, Girls. Let me give you a little advice. Playing Monopoly is like buying a car, which is like a war and YOU are the enemy and THIS *weird hand motion over the board of the game* is the battlefield." -Mr. Peters
*several minutes later*
"You girls are fierce." says Mr. Peters
"Mr. Peters, Playing Monopoly is like buying a car..." All of the girls chime in unison.
"THIS is a battlefield" Samantha and Sierra interject at the exact same time.


That was some dialogue from the Monopoly rematch, and let me just take the time to gloat for a little bit. WE WON. WE WON. WE WON. WOO-HOO..
ok well.. I sort of kind of won.. you see my team (Samantha and I) sort of kind of went bankrupt because Janice and Sierra put hotels on their property, and before Sierra's brother Reid showed up that would have been perfectly fine. Because no joke we landed on their property 5 times, and they NEVER were paying enough attention to realize it. We would just hand them the dice and once the dice hit the board we would laugh hysterically.. But then Reid came and started to remind them. Then Sierra had to leave and the girls joined forces. The important thing is though, that Mr. Peters LOST! HAH!

And then before that me and Samantha had an.. interesting.. time trying to make art out of cookie dough. It didn't work out to well.. She wanted to make the mickey mouse shape.. and after being cooked it just expanded into itself. But no, we were to attached to give up. We got out the spatula and the knife and a spoon. We preformed intense surgery on Mickey Mouse. Our efforts were successful and we laid Mickey Mouse on top of the stove to "recover" from his surgery. After 10 minutes we decided to attempt to move Mickey Mouse onto a platter... Well, um... Mickey Mouse did not make it.. Mickey mouse fell into pieces.. And it pretty much went from there.

So my 'profound' thought of the day. Why does our opinion of something change so much just because of how it looks. I mean the bits and pieces of Mickey Mouse TASTED the same as it would have if it had been in all one piece.. But yet, it looked so disgusting.

Samantha and I had to walk to the Monopoly re-match. It wasn't to terrible of a walk, but my parents were in Georgia and a walk never hurt anyone. Until we saw and heard the first dog.

It was intense, it barked at us, we barked back, it barked back louder, and then we barked back even louder, it would move one paw and we would take off running. That's all we needed was for nothing to be left behind except one red-chipped painted toe-nail left behind because a blood hungry dog decided to eat us.. The fact that the dog was behind an invisible fence meant nothing. We decided that if anyone asked what happened to the cookies that would be our story "a dog was chasing us".

But then we heard laughter coming from the Peter's house as we came into view of their house while walking down the street. So we started limping while inventing a story in our mind.

"But but but, we just wanted the mans candy! We were smart enough not to actually go with him, we would get the candy and run.. But then the guy had a gun.. and we dropped the candy as we ran.. We couldn't just leave the candy and go through all of that trouble for nothing.. We were shot in the leg. But I'm like Kyle XY.. my blood clots very quickly.. that's why you see no blood... and that's why the cookies were all messed up.."

We didn't think they would buy that story.. so we settled for the truth..

Now in other news, down the street from my house there is this swampy little pond area thing that likes to flood when we get large quantities of rain. And with little to no exaggeration it has rained ALL week long, stopping for only an hour or so once this week. And slowly this little swampy pond area thing started to fill up, and fill up, and fill up, and fill up, and FINALLY it flooded into the street. To non-locals of the little circle I live on it may appear that this flooding of the street is no big deal. They're thinking "how could it possibly be THAT deep, I mean.. I can see the bottom right now." But to the inhabitants of the circle we just sit back and laugh, well then we warn them. It may appear that it's not that deep, but in the middle it gets deep! Two cars alone got stuck thinking they were better than everyone else and could go through it. HA! (actually that pretty much stinks that they got stuck.. but it's a little humorous).

Samantha and I had to sort of kind of walk through this flooded part. By sort of kind of I mean, we weren't walking through the street, but on the opposite side of the street is just foresty and thorny growth.. And I thought I would be all "TARZAN AMANDA" and actually go through the forest stuff instead of walking in a LITTLE bit of mud.. Let me tell you, that was not a good idea. If given a choice, go through the mud.

UM UM UM.. I think that's all for today.. Except I dunno what was wrong with me last night but I was reading Genesis chapter 2 last night.. and something just struck me funny. It was talking about the whole "for this reason a man and a woman must leave their parents and the two shall become one" business. Because it was talking about how God took one of Adam's ribs and made Eve out of it. But I just kept thinking of someone like on their honeymoon and all "I think your missing something.. I think I have one of your ribs." IDK it was a lot funnier in my mind.

Yours Truly,


Reese said...

Micky Mouse shaped food= my life.

Amanda said...

Haha, who doesn't love Mickey Mouse shaped food!?