Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Basically my day in a nutshell

This blog comes to you pasted from Microsoft Word because the internet connection as I wait for my piano lesson is secured. GASP
Which brings me to a mini rant. (but wait. I just learned something from typing that sentence. When you put an asterisk, and then a word and then another asterisk; Word automatically bolds it for you. NEATO.)
People who lock their wireless internet. I don’t understand it.. It’s like you have to be apart of the cool secret society with their society password to get onto the internet. Sigh I’m obviously not cool enough to be apart of their cool society. Whatever will I do?!
So far this day has been full of Ups and Downs. It started Up because it’s my best friends sixteenth birthday. So I mean, how can it not start up. (she is getting her license today. And seeing as I don’t get my license until the end of July because that’s when my parents decided to have me* It’s like partial freedom. Not that I’m all un-free. I just won’t have to hassle my parents a lot for rides and such.)

**I had to abruptly end that train of thought due to the fact that I complete lost track of time. And what do you know, it was time for my lesson. A little tid-bit of my lesson. I think I’m psyching myself out. You see. There’s this one little two beats that I’ve been messing up lately. I focus all of my attention on that one beat and it’s like my fingers freeze up and I physically cannot play it. And then all of that focus that should be focused on say not getting lost gets thrown out and I’m pretty much messed up from there. I did fine the first time I ran through the song in the worship center. And then I let someone else have turn rehearsing in the worship center and then I went again after them. And I have no clue what happened. The second time I sat down, it was like “what’s focus?” and I was all dizzy and I felt like I was falling asleep. Needless to say I butchered the last couple of run-throughs and I’m completely mad at myself right now. But that’s ok.

Oh, but no just wait. In band (my third period) everything is going quite swell. (Or at least as swell as rehersal can be when you are playing the third movement of Lincoln Shire posy. If you’re a French horn player you know what I mean. Or actually if you don’t play oboe, bassoon, piccolo, e-flat clarinet, or 1st clarinet you know what I mean. Don’t you just love resting for the entire first half of a completely demented song!?) But things were looking up, the bell was going to ring in three minutes.

Or so we thought until we heard our principal talking on the loud speaker.

Obviously we didn’t hear the first half of the announcement because we were playing way louder than the announcement and we sort of heard that an announcement was being made, but we figured it was no big deal. But this announcement was longer than the usual. So all we heard was “please keep your students in the room”. From that we inferred we were on lock down.
So, like band nerds would, we continued practicing. And utilized the extra time.

This lockdown only lasted 20 minutes. But last year around the same time and about 5 minutes before 3rd period was over we were put on lockdown. And that lockdown lasted four hours. Some kid called in a gun threat. It was pretty serious. But became a laughing stock to high school students later that it was a fourth grader. (our school is right across the street from a magnet Middle School.).

(I’m making up names here. Names were not given to us for obvious reasons) Apparently Joe (again, I made up that name) texted his dad that fred had a gun. And Joe’s dad called 911. And the police called our school alerting us, while simultaneously sending a multide of police officers. We were about to switch classes so they didn’t want that mayhem to make a perfect opportunity for “trouble” so they put us on lockdown, got the guy and searched him and his backpack and car. No gun. I think it was just a hoax.
But that was my day.

In just a little bit our school has our “undergraduates awards ceremony” you know, the awards ceremony where they give out awards based on your GPA and other fun stuff like “best tenth grade musician”. All of that fun stuff. So I’m going to go to that and I’ll continue this lovely blog afterwards.


I got four awards. Outstanding digital design 2 student, best Spanish one student, outstanding sophmore musician, and person with GPA above 4.0 and below 4.19.

Woo-hoo. The guy handing out cards for the last award was like “I already know your name because you’ve gotten so many awards.” Haha.

And at this awards ceremony most give more than just a certificate. So I got a lot of cool stuff :)

That is all. I hope you have a good day.

*Every time my parents complain about driving me places I just tell them it’s not my fault that I had to be born later than most. Sheesh. Haha. I did everything in my power short from killing someone and storming up to capitol hill to allow me to get my license A.S.A.P. haha

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