Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Big load of fail

I failed miserably yesterday. Blogging didn't even cross my mind. (Well, that's a lie. It did cross my mind.. just not in the moments when I could actually sit down and blog.)

But really what does it matter? No one is punishing me for this fail except myself. Do I really have to justify things to myself!? (haha.)

But wait! Before you think I'm quitting and going mental, no I will not quit this challenge I have set for myself. To make up for this lack of blogging I'm going to blog not once today, but TWICE. I have also decided that both blogs have to be longer than 500 words. Which actually shouldn't be that hard. But the last blog I wrote was 400 words long and another one was 494. BUT WHATEVER. I'm trying to make up for my lack of writing yesterday.

I had a thought, but seriously I just forgot what I was thinking because I was still trying to finish the other thought. MAN, it was a good thought too.. *trying to remember what I was thinking*.


It's not coming to me.


oh oh oh. I remember what I was thinking now. It wasn't that amazing of a thought. The month of April is going by so fast. Next thing you know it'll be May. (isn't it crazy? Not that I'm complaining. I'm just as ready for summer as the next person). My summer is going to be really exciting. It'll be laced with:
-Getting my drivers license (yay!)
-Getting a car (yay!)
-possibly getting some video gigs as a job (yay!)
-Camp, mission trip, band, chillaxing, hanging out with my friends (yay, yay, ahh, yay, yay!)
I said ahh to band because who really enjoys 12 hour marching rehersals
the whole week two weeks before school starts. Not me! But I'll survive.
I've already survived two preseason band camps.. and I actually kind of
miss marching band. I know, crazy huh?

ANYWAY. I'm actually kind of hungry now. My stomach is growling in protest.. It's actually growling quite loud. SHUT UP STOMACH. CAN'T YOU WAIT TWO MORE PERIODS UNTIL LUNCH!? haha jk.

*thinks aloud* oh. that. Do I have to talk about that? *thinks aloud*

So yesterday I had my appointment with my guidance counselor so she could sign my sheet for dual-enrolling. And I was a stupid 20 points away on my SAT to take the math class I want to take. 20 POINTS!! I know I'm smart enough for this math class. I know I have what it takes (said in the most un-conceited manor.). So, before the end of the school year I have to go down to the community college and take the CPT. I hope you can just take the math section. But I doubt it, you probably have to take both sections *sigh*.

*thinks aloud* THERE! I said what I was frustrated with yesterday. *thinks aloud*

Is this 500 words yet?

yepp, 645. I'll see you later today. :).

I hope you don't fail as much as I do!


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