Sunday, April 12, 2009

Just some more ramblings

DISCLAIMER: I just woke up from a massive nap, and my thoughts are going ALL OVER the place.

So yesterday I said that I filmed at the Easter Egg Hunt, but I want to go into more detail because the CUTEST thing happened yesterday.
So a bunch of 4, 5, and 6 year olds are lined up ready to storm into the playground area and pick up as many eggs as their easter baskets could possibly hold. That's how egg hunts work after all. But everyone was trying to remind the kids "be nice." But they're kids, I didn't think they would actually listen and BE NICE.. Well, there was this cute little asian boy who was just aimlessly standing in the middle of the playground. He looked dazed. He was holding one single laffy taffy. Naturally I knew where all of the "prize eggs" were. So I went over to him and was pointing to an egg I thought he should pick up *wink wink*. And he was still just aimlessly standing there petrified. And then the cutest thing happened. This little boy, who also noticed that this little boy was standing there petrified and not getting any of the plastic eggs filled with candy, came over and opened the little boys bag and started emptying his own basket into the little boy who had no candy's basket. It was the cutest thing ever. I thought I got it on film, but I had my record button pushing all out of sync somehow.. So I wasn't recording it :(. I only got him giving the little boy one egg. But, then shortly after I saw another petrified little kid. She was sitting underneath the slide looking STRAIGHT AT the prize egg. So I went over there and was telling her that she should grab that egg. When ANOTHER little girl with this princess easter basket came over and just started dumping a large majority of her eggs into this petrified girls empty easter basket. Yet again, Amanda slacked on her job and didn't get it on camera. But then both of the little girls came out from under the slide and their hair was sticking STRAIGHT up. It was hillarious. Their hair was so staticy..

So maybe our future generation isn't at a complete loss. I can't say I remember giving any of the kids MY Easter eggs when I was little. I mean, it was candy. In my eyes they had their chance. haha. (I'm not that much of a jerk though. Don't you worry).

So that was my experience yesterday.

I'm so glad that our church doesn't have 3 services every week. It was EXHAUSTING. To play for that long. (I play french horn in the church orchestra. I'm not sure if I've ever mentioned that fact.). But it was really good. There were a ton of people in all of the services, and Curtis (our pastor) preached a really good sermon today.

So, you know how I mentioned possibly getting a macbook? Well, there's a mac POWERBOOK, that I'm really serious about buying right now. I found it on craigslist. I'll probably go over to the persons house to see it tonight or tomorrow night. So that's exciting stuff. :D

(I love that song :D and we sang it this morning :D). (we had really good music this morning)

- Amanda.

only one hyphen GASP.

I must go, leftover brisket awaits me *licks lips*

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