Wednesday, April 15, 2009


It's me typing out yet another blog entry, just like I said I would. Though I almost forgot once again. It's ok though.

The last time I talked to you I was in second period, I still had a very large majority of my day left of my "Marathon Wednesday" (or so I like to call my Wednesdays). 

So picking up where I left off. Something really funny that happened today:

Have you ever had someone rather old (sorry, I thought of a nicer way of saying that.. But I could not find another way of saying it) try to explain youtube to you. They go on saying how amazing it is. How when you're watching the video of the trumpet girl there are videos that show that are also trumpet videos (related videos) and how there is just a bunch of awesome trumpet videos all linked together on this amazing site.. Like this is all new, and we had no clue about it. It was actually quite funny. This happened in band today. We have this man who comes in and works with us a lot and he was talking about the world trumpet festival, or something like that, jr. devision winner who was 12. And then he just basically went into explaining the site of youtube and how cool it was that you could find all of these trumpet players and they would show up on other videos and so on. He was so excited about it too. :). I'm happy for him, really I am. Don't get me wrong.. but did he really think that we didn't know this about youtube.. that this site called youtube existed? I mean, we grew up in this era. Some of us spend half of our time on the computer.. On various sites such as youtube.. haha. I just thought it was funny, because some older people you try to explain it to, they just don't get it. But he experienced it himself and was so excited about it. 

And then in spanish class I brainstormed for an extra-credit essay for the Holocaust Essay Contest. I came up with a pretty good idea actually. And I talked to my English teacher before class to see how many extra credit points she would give us, and she was all "oh Amanda, you don't need that extra credit." And I explained to her about how I forgot to do a homework assignment and she went on to reassure me that one homework assignment would not drop down me down a letter grade. But I think I still may write the essay, because I liked my idea so much. The prompt was "if you had to design a Holocaust Memorial what would you put in it?" in more words than that of course. And my idea has something to do with thumbprints. I really don't feel like explaining it right now, for fear that I would stay up all night eventually writing the whole silly essay. The only thing is it's due next Friday.. But I think I can do it, because I'm that inspired with my idea.. 

So next Saturday I might post tidbits of my essay and what not.

But I'm discovering a trend here. All of my great brainstorming for writing something comes in my Spanish class. I brainstormed for Nanowrimo in my spanish class.. and for this essay extra credit contest.. HMMM... (even though I haven't really even begun to edit my nanowrimo. shhh.. can't it just fix itself? That would make things a lot easier, and it would go by a lot faster. But alas it cannot magically fix itself.)

Apparently today at Orchestra/Choir practice at church, it was winds section skip day.. I obviously didn't get the memo though.. I was the only winds player until 8:00 when Trevor came.. I was LONELY. 

AND AND AND AND.. The Harry Potter and The Half Blood Prince movie release date has been moved once again. But do no fret, it's been pushed UP not back. It's coming out one day after my sixteenth birthday :D. (do the math. hehe). 

I'm going to call this a day and GO TO BED. See you all tomorrow. 

Oh, and I haven't decided if I'm going to do the buddy thing.. I really want to meet new people.. but idk.. I'm kinda shy.. I'm just weird like that OK!?


I'm threw (woah. grammar police please don't eat me) talking now. So you can go back to whatever productive things you were doing before clicking on the link to this blog :D. (is it through or threw? In the context of that sentence?)

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