Thursday, July 23, 2009

I'm still alive

God hasn't struck me down.. yet..
(wow, that sounds like the beginning of a really bad story. You know the kind where your like.. 'I've just done something horrible. And this is my nice way of starting out the story.' But I don't have a story like that.. So sorry to disappoint.)

Do do do do do.. what did I last talk about? Harry Potter? License? Yes, that was it.

umm.. nothing is really new on the home front home skillet slices (ok, I'm going to talk now. No matter how hard I try I could never be classified as a "cool cat" but I'm ok with that).

I just cleaned the whole downstairs.. minus daniels room.. the piano room.. and the laundry room.. (Ok.. so 3 out of 6.. not to bad. I really don't care what my piano room looks like. I love that room.. It's the room no one goes in or checks on. It's forgotten, it's like my little hide-out) Maybe the cleaning supply fumes were getting to me.. WOOOO..

Where was I going with this? I promise originally I did have a purpose in typing "blogger" into my address bar..


Well I've forgotten what that purpose was. But in news of today Osama Bin Laden's brother was killed. wooo.. I got my a debit card to get gas with. woo.. I turned in my parking application at high school. woooo... I ate lunch at this seafood place for the first time. wooo.. I played rockband country pack with my dad and brother. woo.. I played scrabble with my family on my phone. woo... I went to walmart. wooo..

Don't you wish you could've had that DELIGHTFUL day. I know that right now your just thinking "wow. She is so cool I want to spend every waking moment with her and just bask in her fun-ness so that maybe, just maybe it will rub off on me". Ok, so your really not thinking that. It's ok, because if you were thinking that EXACT thing.. truthfully I'd be just a little bit concerned.

UMMM.. *awkward silence* um.... *cricket cricket* I'm going to see DCI in Atlanta on Saturday.. WOO.. *cheers*

We kind of had to be a little last moment in actually buying the tickets just to play it safe with Daniel's surgery date and what not.. So I mean.. we don't have the WORLDS GREATEST SEATS.. but they're seats.. And it'll still be amazing!!

*Cricket cricket*

I'm going to Tennessee next week on a mission trip.. I get to teach 7 and 8 year old girls. WOO-HOO..
I'm really excited about that..

I'm going to go now.. this is going no where FAST.


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