Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince.. and license

I know this doesn't really matter in the long run.. But I went to see Harry Potter 6 yesterday.. And I had some big mixed feelings. I think I would've LOVED the movie if it weren't for the fact that I just finished re-reading the book. 

Yes, I loved the acting.. I loved the humor... It had perfect timing on ALL of the jokes... And everyone laughed in the right places.. And it WAS a good movie...


I just felt like it was missing some things. Like what about the battle at the end? There was no battle at the end.. Are they going to just completely leave out the whole part of Bill being bitten by fenrir Greyback? Are they going to leave out all of Bill and Fleur in the next movie? How will that work?

I just felt like they focused on Harry, Hermione, Ron and Ginny a little to much. When they didn't really build up hatred/confusion towards Snape. Or compassion towards Tonks and Lupin. And Lupin's childhood backstory? There won't be very much gut-wrenching compassion in the end of the seventh movie(s) because we aren't that attached to several of the characters.. the focus was just never put there at all.. 

The other main part I'm not as upset about, because I can kind of see where they might take it. And I see that it isn't really that horrible. But why didn't they have Kreacher in it? I wish that they had started it in the burrow with Harry's anticipation of "he's coming. He's not coming".

The Harry/Ginny kiss. Although I would've LOVED for there to be the original scene. I kind of liked how they did it. I realize that there's the whole issue of the diadem.. But I figure they had to of had a plan. I'm going to give them a little credit. 

I wish they would've put more scenes of Snape in. They didn't focus at all on how Snape had stepped in and taught Harry's favorite subject.. when he was Harry's teacher. I wish they would've at least put in some of Harry arguing with Dumbledore about Snape being good or bad. 

Another thing, which I figure they would be able to work in somehow, they didn't give any hints as to what the other horcruxes may be. 

In other un-Harry Potter-related-things. I got my license today!!! :D

and the first place I drove to was.... yupp.. none other than.. dollar tree. 


my parents were constantly bugging me "do you really want dollar tree to be the first place you drive to. And that be what you remember the rest of your life". 
But whatever. 
Right after I went home and got my bathing suit and then went to Janice's house and swam. 

I have QUITE the tan line on my stomach.. it's a really funny tan line actually.. Because I was laying down on a float.. so it's literally just the strip on my stomach that's tanned. So as I turn around the stripe disapears. haha. 

and then the third place I drove to was to the church to pick Daniel up. (haha) quite the role-reversal! 

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