Thursday, June 18, 2009

A much needed update.

So I haven’t written a blog post in what, a bajillion years? Ok well, in two weeks would be the precise time. But who needs or cares about precision anyway?

I am currently sitting on our back porch deck thing with my dad and Maggie (the dog, duh). It is way to hot and humid for any sane person to desire sitting out here, but it’s the only quiet place. We have family at our house… And Justin, the smallest of the cousins that are here, had been coming in and out of my room to share pictures he had drawn of me being hit in the face with a pie, or overall him just being silly.

I figured I would write this blog going from semi-carefree and laid back, and I would then segway into “serious” stuff.

This past weekend (Sunday and Monday) my family went to the beach in Destin, everyone except for Daniel that is because he had to work, and that was loads of fun. We obviously went to the beach, but we also went to the discount mall :).

And then guess what, I also got a car :D.

It’s a royal blue 2005 ford escape. It’s pretty awesome. My parents surprised me with it when I got home from camp. And then on Monday morning it wouldn’t start. :/. But no worries, the battery just died and so we replaced it this morning. All is swell now.

Yesterday we went to see UP in 3D. And I have decided that never again will I opt for the 3D version of a movie. I mean, yes, the glasses were very snazzy and all.. But I don’t know what about it triggered this, but I just felt so sick during the movie. And I obtained this HORRIBLE headache during the movie.. which lasted the rest of the afternoon and night.

But it was a really good movie, it tackled a lot of deep hard issues for a cartoon though, haha.

And yes, like the true rebel I am (HAH! Yeah, whatever), I did NOT recycle my 3D glasses, I kept than. So :-p. TAKE THAT!

Now I’m going to segway into last week, which was camp.

Camp was really amazing this year. I’m not sure exactly what made this year different, other than the obvious fact that our church was running it, but camp just felt Different in a good way. I had never felt this way with any other camp. I’ve run through my head many different possible reasons for this. Maybe it’s because I’ve matured and it’s my age and outlook on life now.. But I just felt different.. closer… I don’t know exactly how to describe it.

But one thing that I had been thinking about a lot before camp was my life (wow, really Amanda?) And more specificily the whole “I’m halfway done with highschool” syndrome. I kept on thinking “what have I done with it? What do I have to show for it?”

I felt that it was time for me to make a difference in band and more specifically my section. I just didn’t know HOW to make this said difference.. I still don’t know exactly but I just have a better understanding that however God will be in full control.

It was kind of weird/cool. Because on the first night I told Janice that I wanted to talk to her about something later because I didn’t know quite how to put together my thoughts and I knew she could help me string them together. And that very night, after I said this to Janice, the message was on EXACTLY what I had been thinking. About having the power in Christ to change the world and your school basically. And making an impact.

I could go on for ages about camp, but I’m not going to…

There was one other thing, I still need to follow up on it as well.

I sort of pushed/convinced/ordered someone to go to camp this year. Haha, I thought that if one person could make an impact, that certainly to people could make a bigger impact. And I sure had no clue what I was doing. And in the process of convincing them to go.. I sort of went into my long schpeel about everything that I had been thinking. But I didn’t want to freak this person out… And I just ended up terribly confusing them.. But they went.. And on the second night they re-dedicated their life to Christ.. and I was sooooo excited for them… I just need to follow up on what I sort of got into with them before camp.. because they asked me what I meant on the way to camp and I told them that I couldn’t explain it to them then (because it was that night that I was going to talk to Janice) but that I would explain it to them later, that I was fairly certain they would be able to understand it better after camp.. But I have yet to follow-up and actually have the conversation with them..

So when I do, I’ll let you know…


Well the sun is going down now.. so I’m going to end this one..

I promise to make more frequent updates.

Time to count fireflies.


WOOT WOOT I just remembered that the next Karen Kingsbury book comes out next week, along with the movie My Sisters Keeper, and the new show on ABC family.. and another season of secret life (which I’m not sure if I’m going to watch the new season or not.. The commercials worry me a little bit..)

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