Friday, June 5, 2009

Full recount of the past week

So I realize that while yes I did post a blog entry twice last week.. I never really talked about what was going on in my days... And my days were pretty eventful.

So I bring you this, a full recount of my week.. starting on:

This was when I posted my first blog this week.. And I actually did talk about what happened that day. I dusted the tops of the band lockers... and inside of them.. and mopped the floors.
But what I didn't say is that I want to seriously hurt whoever picked out the locker area's tiles. WHAT WERE THEY THINKING?
"hmm.. yes... let's get the tiles that no matter how extensively you mop them.. They always get dirty!! Yes. I'll buy them now!"
*smack*. But that's pretty much all I have to add for Monday.

On Tuesday all officers were required to wear Lincoln-esque shirts... You know so that freshman could clearly see who were officers and such.
And because I was wearing my lincoln band shirt.. Both at the gas station and at the place I ate lunch I was brought into a conversation with the cashier and manager on how I was in band... So that was quite interesting..
Tuesday (man I completely lost my train of thought.. because I got up and did something) was the day that I posted the other blog. (I think that's where I was going... but I want to go back a little)
So. Seeing as there was only one french horn freshman Mr. Kelly (our band director) made me go help the trumpet players because they only had one person helping them.
Now let me get one thing straight: Mellophones are A LOT heavier than trumpets..
And since I was the model.. I had to be precise of how I was giving the example.. And there were times were the person would just kind of forget I was there... While I was standing at attention.. I was probably only called to "at ease" twice that whole hour.. And I was sore.
But it's ok. Becuase after that I went to lunch with my family. And then went back and designed our band shirts.. and messed around the rest of the afternoon with no shoes on (refer to wipe out story on last blog entry). I was getting kind of frustrated because I was EXHAUSTED and my ride was messing around doing nothing in particular and I wanted to go home badly. But it all worked out because since we were one of the last people there the drumline section mom lady gave us posicles (yummy).
So that was tuesday.

Hah, Wednesday:
Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday.. You stupid day.
Wednesday was the day I only had literally five minutes to get ready and be out the door.. Because I didn't know I was being picked up at 8:05 and I had set my alarm to wake me up at 8:00.. no joke..
But at least on Wednesday Emily let me use her trumpet to model with :).
Wednesday my ride left me at lunch time... And I was stranded at school in the pouring rain until he came back and dropped me off at McDonalds... Where I was again stranded because Janice didn't know which McDonalds I was talking about..
She found me though.. And I forever owe my life to her because she's the BOMB.
and then we watched Nancy Drew.. I went home feeling AWFUL. I had a horrible headache.. took some tyenol.. slept for about 30 minutes.. and then woke up feeling worse.. and then I went to church.. So that was Wednesday

HAHAHAHAHAHA... thursday...
So, to start.. The weather man person forecasted us to have an 80 percent chance of rain.
But it hadn't rained so far and we went outside hoping to get things done. We got done with what we needed to accomplish outside.. and the weather was still holding up... in fact it was actually kind of sunny (the talk of the weather is important.. it's not just ramblings.. you'll see). So Mr. Kelly broke us off into sections to prepare our freshman for the *insert dramatic music* "Freshman drill down". (Which is kind of like simon says except more intense). We were all helping them with last minute preparations (Our freshman Emily was a sure fire to win By the way.). When it started raining.. So we went under the awning until Mr. Kelly told us to go inside and start our music sectionals.. with the hopes that it would let up later and we could do the drill down. So we all go to our separate rooms where I proceeded to be lazy and sit in the rolly chair and just roll all over the empty room and look at the emergency plan sheet thing.. because it was basically the only thing in the room. Katie then called me a retarded because I would never need to know what to do if a tornado hit.
We then went to full music rehersal and Mr. Kelly turned on the show from my freshman year because we played Rhapsody in Blue that year.. and we're also sort of playing it this year.. Near the end of the show, the power goes out. And when the power goes out in the band room.. IT'S SCARY.. about a minute later, the emergency lights came on.. And we just went on practicing our music thinking nothing of it.. About 30 minutes later the power came back on and we just kept playing..
At the end of rehersal someone in pit raises their hands.. saying:
"Um, I have a statement Mr. Kelly. The reason the power just went out is because A tornado just hit Apalachee elementary school" (Apalachee elementary school is literally right across from our parking lot.)
At first I thought she was kidding.. until I went outside.. To see for myself.. And a tornado really did hit the school.. In my dads words "the evidence is indisputable".
The weather services never saw any tornadic formations on their radars.. But they later classified it as an F zero. Which is winds around 70 mph.
Which is extremely weird and creepy.. Because there we were sitting in the band room.. probably about.. oh 300 yards away.. Completely oblivious that anything was going on..
That tornado was so close...
I took some pictures of the damage.. But I'm to lazy to post them now.. I'll post them later I suppose...

And today is Friday.. So that was my week.. In a nutshell..

I leave for camp in three days!!!!


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