Tuesday, June 2, 2009

I'm incredibly Happy

I'm incredibly happy right now, though the happy rush has slowly faded back to my body yelling at me

"I'm exhausted!! Let me lay down!!! I want to sleep!!!"

But no body, I will not let your negative aches bring down my happiness.

So lately if you haven't noticed by the negative state of my blog entries, I was going through a bit of a rough patch in life.

And now that I look back at this rough patch, I see that the rough patch was worthwile and that it was all in good purpose. I learned a lot, and I feel that I also learned how to depend on God a whole lot more.

But I'm not going to lie and say "now that I look back at that rough patch, I was such a wimp I can't believe I let it grab me. It wasn't that rough."

It was still rough, even from this side of the fence.

But I'm out of that rough patch and moving on ahead..

Please reader of this blog. (or me in the future.. though I hope I have learned my lesson once).
I'm going to try to give you worth wile advice.

I know that it may be all incredible fun skipping down your newly mopped/waxed school hallways in just your socks. And cutting tight corners..

Until you completely wipe out and land on your bottom. And then it's not so fun.

I now have a scraped up knee... And a bruise that hurts REALLY bad... on my butt... so it's like you can't sit down properly.. because it hurts...

HAH! so.. I'm not saying not to skip down hallways. I love skipping.. It's all in good fun.. But maybe you should wear shoes.. I'm just saying..

In other news it's really weird being an "upperclassmen" now.. I was just starting to really feel like a sophmore and now I'm a Junior!? WHAT!?

I still FEEL like a freshman.. I still FEEL like we should be marching Overture to Candide..

But I'm not... Half of my high school "career" is already over.. And what have I done with it?!

So I helped work on rejuvinating our band shirts.. I'll keep you updated.. I don't want to say to much right now.. Because it's not all set in stone or anything.. It's kind of subjective at this point..

But it's pretty coolio. In my opinion...


I'm going to go to bed.. But I really want to watch the Nanny again... And it comes on at 11... Why can't it come on at 10?!

I really like the show "The Nanny"


and they're making a new season of Gilmore Girls.. Which should be really cool, because I completely HATED the ending to what we thought would be the entire existence of the whole show.. And it's coming on ABC... instead of CW... If I understand correct.. which is cool...


ok, that's all.. I should go to sleep..



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