Monday, June 1, 2009

BAH!!! I'm a sheep!!!

I'm so exhausted that I'm turning delirious.

My eyelids are drooping shut as if they weighed 100 pounds.

If I could just close my eyes for one little second...

NO! must not close eyes, must write this blog entry!

I was just told by my mom that my dog was ready for bed, and that I should be too.

BUT NO. I can't be ready to go to bed, I must type.



So the reason that I'm forcing out this blog entry is because I feel like I have completely abandoned this poor blog.

But that's completely untrue. Because the last time you think I posted was May 26th (if you want to count that as a decent blog. I think it's a semi-decent blog. It accurately showed what I was feeling at that time.).. But looks can be decieving because I did write a blog entry since then.. you just can't see it. MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

ok, enough of that.

So school is now over, and Officer work days have begun for band.
I have succesfully STILL forgotten to bring my math book to school.. but hopefully I will remember that tomorrow when I am still deliriously tired begging for energy!!!

Today my job was to clean the lockers.

Simple enough task you think. BUT IT'S NOT!!!!

We probably literally "had the dirtiest job" hehe.

But we had our advantages.. I mean it's not every day you get to climb on top of the band lockers :).

But seriously it was incredibly dusty. I don't know how to describe how dusty. But not an inch of me is exaggerating.

There was probably at LEAST an inch layer of dust. Plus the huge dust bunnies begging to take over the world that is our band room.

We sort of disturbed the presence of this small army and foiled their plans.. But in doing so, dust was now collectively everywhere in the band room. It was like there was a haze of dust in the band room that you could clearly see. It was disgusting.

Sneezes all around.

And then three of us got to clean inside of the band lockers. ( woo-hoo *sarcastic*)

We've decided that there should be some new rules:
I know I know, stickers are fun and all. They can be all colorful and add pizaz. But they have never tried to get off the sticker residue clearly!!!
-NO DRINKS IN LOCKERS (or modified as: you spill it, you clean it up.)
ewww, there were several lockers where it was just completely covered in a layer of brown
stickie stuff... that was fun to clean...

But that's really all I have to say. I mean it wasn't THAT awful...

It's not like I was dealing with annoying people or people who just made me want to SCREAM!!! .. there was a fair share of that going around.. just not around us...

"grumble grumble grumble"

I find it hard to deal with people like that.. I just want to smack them and say "SHUT UP.. Suck it up or leave.. We don't need your negativity"

But I realize that sometimes I get into the grumbling mood..

I now give you (that is anyone now reading this blog) full permission to smack me (please don't leave a bruise).. If I get into one of these moods...
BUT (yes there are strings attached) You have to have read this and say the word "tyranasaurus rex!!"


That is pretty much it...

I made good grades on my exams... and la-de-da........

Next week is camp!! I'm so excited!!

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