Thursday, April 2, 2009

Blog Every Day In April

So I've decided I'm going to give this a shot. I know I know, I didn't blog yesterday. BUT to my defense I only found out about this yesterday, it took a lot of thought. I mean, I did the whole nanowrimo thing and was COMPLETELY stressed out. But I believe that this will be more natural and not as time consuming as writing a 50,000 word novel. To make up for not writing a blog yesterday I will continue on into May 1st. See, all is well.

So, I'll TRY to make these interesting and entertaining.. but really my life isn't all that interesting. I mean, all this week I've pretty much just lounged around the house doing nothing. BUT I did read an EXTREMELY sad (I misspelled extremely, no no.. ok my computer is telling me I spelled it right. haha) book tuesday night and Wednesday. Seriously, I don't usually cry while reading books. For instance, most people cried when Doby and Fred died (*GASP* Amanda just RUINED Harry Potter 7 for you. ... yeah yeah get over it. It's been out for what? almost two years now.) not a single tear was shed on my part. I know, call me heartless, call me cruel, call me mean, call me what you want but I'm just not the type of person to cry while watching a movie or reading a book. But boy did I cry while reading this book. It was "Ever After" by Karen Kingsbury. I will not tell you the reason for my tears, because chances are I will pester everyone to read it for themselves (while reminding them that it is a very moving novel that you MIGHT not want to read in school. unless your cool with just breaking out in fits of laughter and tears in front of class. If that's so, than don't let me be the one to get in your way. lol). All I can say is that it was a realllllyyy good book.

phew, that was a really long paragraph. Sorry guys.

SOOO tomorrow night is our Monopoly re-match. Everyone might want to read, breathe, and study the link at the bottom of this post *said with a twinge of uncertainty at the word bottom* I'm not actually sure WHERE the link will be.. but there WILL be a link. LINK

OK, just kidding. Really, I just typed in 'monopoly strategy' into Google and clicked on the first link.


ok, my dog is really trying to get my attention. It's kind of funny, because when I read she'll get annoyed that I'm not giving her attention and she'll come between me and the book. she just tapped me on the shoulder, literally. I'm not even kidding.

On another note, I'm thinking of buying myself a 13" white macbook. I originally had intentions of buying the new macbooks when I saved up enough, but upon observation of my brothers laptop and research there after I discovered something that horrified me.

NO FIREWIRE PORT!? what were you thinking Steve Jobs!?!?!?!?!?!

If you don't know what a firewire port is, it's ok I don't expect you to. It's what I plug my camera into when importing all of my lovely footage.

After several deep breaths, and more research, I decided that the entry level macbook was right for me.
A) it's about 800 dollars cheaper (always a plus)
B) it HAS A FIREWIRE PORT (I know isn't that weird!?)
C) I don't NEED the higher up macbook, because I had every intention of keeping my desktop. The purposes I had in mind for said laptop were to
A) do quick edits on the go (examples: daily videos for mission trip for the kids where I would not have my lovely computer to edit with, and do quick things for in the afternoons to show raw footage of the kids at VBS)
B) have with me on trips, and not have to rely on my dad (haha)
C) I really don't have a C... but I wanted to be consistent.


Now that all of that superficial talk is over with, if you are still reading this then cool..
I'm behind on reading Acts :/ (bad Amanda). And after procrastination and constantly feeling horrible and feeling like God keeps on reminding me of this weakness I have begun to read the Bible straight through, one chapter a night.
So each day I'll tell you about the previous night's reading I suppose. Now, I've only just started last night. So I read Genesis chapter 1 last night.. AGG. I really should write down what I was thinking. I remember thinking something.. but I don't remember what it was (FAIL AMANDA FAIL.). well um.. I just re-read it and I don't have anything profound to say.. so umm.. yeah..

"So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and femal he created them" Genesis 1:27
"God saw all that he had made, and it was very good..." 1:31

I guess all I have to say is, everything God does and makes is good. Even if we don't understand how it could possibly be good or bring anything good. It is good, we don't always have to understand. There may come a day when we finally do understand how it all worked out, but there may not. I don't understand why God allowed Steve Jobs to take out the firewire port on the new macbooks and how that could possibly be good.. but it is.. (haha, that was a silly analogy.. I couldn't resist)

I have bored you long enough. So have a WONDERFUL end to your RAINY Spring Breaks. I pray that you wake up and your carpet is dry and your houses have not flooded.

-- Amanda

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ha, good luck on your Monopoly re-match. And, don't feel bad. I didn't cry when Fred died either.