Monday, October 27, 2008

The hecticness that was my weekend

Um, so yeah.. Already I haven't done to great at regularly posting this.. and I don't really feel like posting anything right now.. but I am anyway.. 

To sum my weekend up:
*We had our last marching band competition type thing.. and made straight superiors
*I lost my phone
*It was going to cost 400 dollars to replace said phone because I was still in contract
*My mom tracked the phone to find it at Lincoln.. we thought
*And then we tracked it again later and it moved
*And then, still holding onto hope that it was in the band room I looked for it the morning
*Alas, it was not there
*My mom tracked the phone again and it was moving... *GASP* it was pretty much all the way downtown
 *My dad goes to the bus compound that the bus I rode on Saturday was at
*Bus driver is pulling in and reports that she found a phone
*I got my phone back (and camera.. I know, I know.. I always fail to mention my camera was with my phone)

And that's all I'm going to say about that.. Because well, truth is I've driven everyone crazy obsessing over it.. so not that that's past us...

I finished all of my homework in school.. Though I might take this opportunity to get ahead.. I know, I'm such a nerd! 

That's all I feel like writing, sorry that I wasted your time. 

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