Thursday, August 27, 2009


So the end of the first week of school is quickly coming to a close. And I can already tell that I'm going to LOVE college... and honestly I wish I didn't have to even take spanish at High School.

I LOVVVEE my classes. (not a big fan of spanish.. but I mean the class takes no effort... and is all mindless to me anyway.. just saying)

Whoever said that AP classes prepare you for what college was going to be like was seriously disturbed.. Because from what I've experienced so far... English 101 is EASY PEASY... I mean, really, no tests.. No final exam... Essays on movies that are actually enjoyable to watch.. Essays or criminal Investigation shows (woop), Essays on the stereotypes of highschool students in movies and TV shows... I CAN WRITE THAT KIND OF ESSAY!!! I could write at LEAST 1,000 words on the high school stereotype one alone.. at least... I gripe about it all the time already anyway :D
But again.. I'm just taking General Education type classes right now..

I can also already tell that Tuesdays and Thursdays are going to be my favorite days. One class at TCC.. I mean I have to get up earlier those days, but then I'm done.. And I get to chill at Panera Bread and do homework and eat yummy pastries so I can use their internet... What's not to love about that?

I got a little lonely today in the car on the way to panera bread.. Because I am all by myself a lot now... no one is there in the car.. I don't really know anyone at school..

But it's cool, because it gives me a lot of "Amanda" time.. You know, a lot of time to just sit, drive, and think.. Which is nice..

I have also decided that rainy days are my favorite days. And here is my deep reason now:
Well, you see. I feel really comfy and relaxed when it's a steady drizzle outside. All of my defenses are let down (mostly). I don't care anymore what I look like, what my hair is doing, or even what clothes I'm wearing (to an extent.. I would LOVE a pair of rain boots :D and my jacket served as a pseudo-rain poncho.) No one else cares what you look like because they are either to absorbed in getting out of the rain, staying as dry as possible, or they also love the rain very much. (At least, that's what I figure.. I don't really care about what people think about me when it's raining.. to be honest.. which is nice..) It is also really calming... It puts me in that mood to want to curl up and read a book.. or actually be productive and do homework..

I don't know.. I just really love rainy days.. I wish we had days like today more often.. (Minus the end of the day.. and having marching practice inside.. But I won't even talk about that.. It would just ruin my very good positive blog post about how good my day had been)


I'm going to go to bed, and pray that God would send me another rainy day like today. :)

Monday, August 17, 2009


I'm really frustrated right now, and as much as I love my friends sometimes I want to just wallow in my band mood and frustrations and have someone try to pull me out of it and say "oh Amanda just be flexible it will all work out". No it won't work out! It won't work out the way I had it planned! I had it planned all perfectly! I don't want someone telling me all of these things! If band weren't moved then I wouldn't HAVE to do all of this! So as much as I love all of you, Just let me get over it myself!

I'm just in a bad mood, sorry.

Sunday, August 9, 2009


I feel that I've highly neglected this thing..

Tomorrow is the start of pre-season band camp. DUH DUH DUH. AKA, the official end of our summer and a temporary stop to life as we know it.

No exaggeration whatsoever. This week is the kind of "eat, sleep, and band practice" weeks.


It's like a huge speed bump. But that's ok.

I'm all prepared.. now I'm just lollygagging around the house just waiting until it's time to go to bed...

so... yup..

Friday, August 7, 2009


It totally doesn't even matter in the long run whether I'm first chair or not. Or whether I get a bunch of solos to put me in the spot light. Or whether I even beat Katie at school.

I have two years left of band and I'm going to make the most of it, instead of stressing and wasting tears on what part of a piece of music I play. That's not the point.

The point is that I'm coming together with a bunch of amazing people, and we are able to put together and play and do amazing things together.

And it really doesn't matter what note I play while doing it. Just as long as I'm doing it.

And whenever I feel down about the whole ordeal.. I'll only just have to remember pre-MPA concert... the night we pretended that I was there all along... The night I realized that we're all in it together.. That was the night..

It was also the night I got a lot of people wanting to back me up by pushing someone in a hole.. But I told them that it wouldn't be needed.. hahaha..

Sunday, August 2, 2009



I just got back from an amazing mission trip


I gained a lot of new insights


I feel more peace


A lot of funny/entertaining things happened


God is good.

yup. I'm too tired right now to say any more.. eventually I will regain enough sleep to write a ten page report on the mission trip.. But right now I'm sitting in my room with my desk lamp on, and the rest of my lights out at 7:27 PM.. and each minute that trudges on makes me look more longingly at my bed.. I'm going to sleep!!!!!!!!!!

I really actually could write ten whole pages of actual substance on it if I had the energy to though.. just being honest...