Wednesday, July 8, 2009



I haven't posted in 12 days? Someone should punish me, seriously.

So much could've happened in those 12 days, it would just be a huge hole of nothingness. You don't know what happened. You didn't even know if I died in that time (well actually, I don't think you would think I died.. because obviously you know me.. and blah blah blah)

So to be honest, absolutely nothing has really happened the past 12 days... and that's no exaggeration..

well, I mean some stuff has happened..

To start,
Last week I was at Daniel's orientation (BOOOO) The most boring thing EVER! But it's ok, because my parents and I weren't actually paying attention to most of the presentations. Instead we sat there and played scrabble on my phone. And then we skipped the afternoon sessions one day and walked aimlessly around the UCF campus, and were passed from one building to another in our pursuit of brochures of the film and digital media degrees. (we ended up with no more information than we had before) BUT I did learn that the film school only takes 30 people (AGG!). Needless to say I need to come up with a back-up plan if I were to not make the cut. But I'm not going to be negative nancy, I'm going to take the requirements and run with them. I'm going to work hard at it! And if God doesn't want me to be in the film school, he'll shut the doors. It's as simple as that. But I do need to pray about it still.

And then on July 4th I went to the beach with some other friends and people from church. And we swam and ate and saw a rather puny display of fireworks. But it was a really enjoyable day regardless. And I didn't get either burned or tan. Which is actually I suppose ok, but I was kind of holding out for a tan. But I guess lathering on SPF 70 guarantees no tan. haha

And then yesterday I went to the movies with Holly, which was nice. Holly and I haven't been the closest friends. We used to take her to school, but it was nice to spend time with her more and chillax and eat ice cream at TCBY.

I'm listening to pandora right now (my new obsession).

Apparently my "feel good and relaxing" style of music is:
something with a rock guitar feel, with harmonic voices, and major tonality, with subtle piano

that wasn't the exact wording, but close enough. haha

I like listening to popish kind of music when I'm just kinda chilling on the web..
And when I'm studying I like to listen to songs that have no lyrics, because lyrics distract me, so stuff like jazz with no words, or piano. But NOT band music. Because that distracts me even more, it's like I switch into band mode and I get to into it.
And when I'm in a somewhat hyper mood. I like listening to broadway music. or music from musicals. hahahahah

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