Tuesday, July 14, 2009

The past two days have been amazing :)

I feel like this day should be fully documented. Because after all "you only turn sixteen once" *in a mocking of my moms voice. haha*

But I'm going to rewind a bit and start from yesterday.

Yesterday Janice and I had a "movie marathon" and watched all of the Love Comes Softly movies.. (ok, so we only truthfully finished six yesterday, but close enough). It was a really enjoyable/memorable day. And we never (or at least I never) even thought about the whole church thing, and so it was overall just a pleasant day. Just like old times. It was HILARIOUS when the first guy died, Willie. It wasn't hilarious that he died because, I mean come on, they were my all-time favorite couple pairing in the whole series. And he was pretty cute.. but that's just me (I'm probably going to live to regret saying that). But it was hilarious because of Janice's reaction. She was MAD! *said with some sass*. She was so mad she threw her pillow at the wall. And I just reminded her how I felt when reading Ever After, and that it worked out. But BOY was it hard the first three movies not saying anything when I knew he was ultimately going to die.

We finished the first six movies and I suggested that maybe we should go to be (I was having a hard time keeping my eyes open at this point) she agreed that that was probably a good idea, but I told her first she had to watch the first two minutes of the next movie. HAHAH, I thought the rest of the pillows had to be thrown of course. Because yup, the next girls first husband died. Which honestly I wasn't as sad about, I wasn't to giddy-up with the pairing in the first place.

So she threw the pillows at the wall, and we went to bed.

And then we woke up around 10 (which is earlier than I've been waking up lately. haha, and a lot earlier considering I don't usually go to bed at 2:30.)

And then we watched the next two movies, ate some chocolate chip muffins that my mom made me (yummm). And then she went to check on her sister whom just had surgery to remove a cyst from her ear.

I basically just lounged around on the internet, played a little on the piano, and dozed off for a couple of minutes.

And then we went out to eat dinner at Macaroni Grill (my family and I plus Janice. She's practically apart of the family anyway :D)

Now a little bit of a side note, we all pretty much matched each other color of our shirt wise. My mom dad and brother matched better and me and Janice matched better.. but over all we were in the pink/red family. haha.

So we walk in and I swear we could've passed like the whole thing was completely staged for a movie, I'm not quite sure how we managed to stand in a perfect group standing thing, they could've taken a beautiful family portrait, that's the kind of position we were in. And ALL of the waiters were standing up front. And they were all commenting on how we looked like "the perfect family out of a TV show" and how we all matched and looked like family. And then they named off some TV show we resembled. I think it was called the cold family.. or something like that. To which my dad replies "let me guess, someone dies in that movie" and the waiter person says yes. And then my dear loving brother replies by pushing me out front as if signaling that they have chosen me the one to be killed.

But here's where my mom's hard efforts to get them to sing to me came into play. Literally ever chance she could get whenever a staff person was around to say something like "well she's the birthday girl" or "no we can't kill her, it's her birthday" or even just "happy birthday". And finally my dad saved me and told her we weren't idiots. And the waitress said they could sing to me. And she said that the person was a good opera singer. and yadda yadda yadda. So we ate, I was sang happy birthday by someone singing opera in italian. And we ate chocolate cake.

And so on the way back home, me being an idiot I was playing with the free book light that came with the snuggie I had gotten in Orlando. (yes I bought a snuggie.. I was cold)..
And I was clipping it on the handle of the bag that held our left overs. And well, the clip was being stubborn and not going over so I shoved it harder. and SLICE, yepp well it went over.. At the expense of slicing my thumb. WOO-HOO, nothing like bleeding on your birthday.. Good thing we had a roll of paper towels in the back :). I got the bleeding to stop, put a band-aid on it when we got home.. ALL BETTER. (Except for the fact that I'm pretty bummed that I won't get to play the piano for a little bit.. we'll see.)

And then we went home and ate more cake (cookie cake to be exact) and this time we had ice cream. I opened up presents (which honestly I didn't think I was getting any more from my parents, the car was a big present!) I got a lunch box (hahaha.. side story to that.. but not worth telling), another wallet like the one I already have because my mom thought mine was about to have to retire, and another wallet thing.. it's sort of like a small clutch... It's actually quite nifty. I think a lot of times I'll probably just use THAT as my wallet to hook to my keys.. because it holds more than money.. but is still small enough to not be a burden. (I hate carrying purses.)

And that was my day :). Tomorrow for sold out the dress up night is disney night, and I really had my heart set on dressing up as pinochio, but it doesn't look like that'll be happening/coming together. Not that it even matters really.

OH, and I set my drivers test appointment. Next Tuesday at 9:00 hopefully *cross your fingers* I'll have my drivers license!!!! FINALY!

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