Friday, July 24, 2009


There are a few things I don't enjoy doing at all..


Being forced to read something: I enjoy reading already, when someone makes me do it it's like that sucks all of the fun and pleasure out of it.

Packing to go somewhere: ARG, I hate that feeling of "I know I forgot something, what was it!?" Because no matter where your going, how long you'll be gone, or even if you HAVEN'T forgotten anything.. You always have that stupid nagging feeling in the back of your head. (I'm packing right now to go on a mission trip to go to Tennessee/To see DCI tomorrow *woot*)

Homework: Enough Said

Practicing Scales: I'd much rather practice an actual song.. practicing scales is so boring to me.

Trying to get my dog to come in at night: Because who wouldn't like to stand out on your back porch clapping and screaming your dogs name, and making kissing noises things *wow, that sounds really weird when it's put that way) just to have your dog come to you. When it's practically the middle of the night. (in the day I could care less if she comes to me, let her stay out there I don't care)

But not to be all Lazy.. There are also a few things that I enjoy doing a lot:

Spending time with my friends and family together: It's always a good time. Nothing can beat playing spades with Janice, my mom, and dad.. (and me and my dad WINNING). Or playing rock band with dad and daniel and janice.. And playing the drums until my arms are in pain. (yeah yeah)

Band Trips/football games/anything non-marching marathon practice related: You know, the times when you just spout out laughing uncontroleably for no good reason. And overall just having a REALLY good time.

Going on little day trips: Long trips are fun too. But every once and while it's fun to just break up a long boring week and just go to the beach for a day.. or just go do something different. You know, shake it up every once and a while.

There's a lot more.. But that was just mindless procrastination of going to bed.. So I suppose I'll go to bed now.

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