Friday, June 19, 2009

Amanda: A history

I've just had a sudden burst of inspiration to blog about my history and more specifically how I got into video making. 

So here we go, buckle your seatbelts.. And we're off!!

I guess you could say my video making started when I was just a nerdy little girl who wanted her bed time changed. Which for a normal kid, protesting a change in bed time is usually normal.. But I was never a normal kid. I was always the kid who announced when she was going to bed, always early than any planned bed time that my parents or any baby sitter would force on me, I would announce that I was tired and that was that. No one ever had to force me to go to bed, I think when I was this age I was even caught saying that I would never ever be one of those people who enjoyed staying up late. (haha, though here I am.. ten years later writing a blog post at 11:00 funny how things change.)

But I don't know what it was, when I was 10 years old I decided that a 9:00 "bed time" just would not work for me any longer. Now my parents are not altogether strict by any stretch of the imagination. So simply asking my parents if they would move my bedtime up 30 minutes would suffice just fine. But no, I had to show my nerdyness. And what would any other child do when they want there bed time changed but make a power point presentation. Or at least, I suppose that was my thought process at the time. 

I remember spending a long time on this power point presentation, and I distinctly remember giving the presentation to my parents. I think I even added music, pictures, transitions... The whole nine yards.

They laughed, and yes, the raised my bed time. 

But no, that was not the end of that. In the same year I had been endlessly begging for a dog. My parents excuse when I would begin begging was always that "we didn't have a fence". So then I changed my begging tactics and began begging for a fence. My Christmas wish list that year in fact was:
1) A fence
2) A dog to put in the fence
3) DDR

Yes, I was quite a well-rounded child. 

So began my dog obsession. I made yet another power point presentation, with well thought out arguments and points on why they should allow me to have a dog. 

This time the presentation didn't work out quite as well as I planned it to. I didn't end up with a dog, only a compromise that come the end of my fifth grade year they would allow me to start volunteering at the humane society-- which is a complete other story in its own self because probably six months before this time I was terrified of dogs.

After becoming quite obsessed with dogs I decided I wanted to make a dog picture slideshow, using the only computer program I knew how to use that might remotely work for the purpose I had in mind- Microsoft Powerpoint. 

When my dad saw what I was working on he showed me another program that was "really cool, and would work a lot better for what I was trying to do." Which was Windows Movie Maker. 

If anyone of you have ever used Windows Movie Maker, you know how much of a pain it can be. It freezes whenever it feels like it, and it just likes to mess with your mind and your projects.

So my first video was a big web of frustration to be honest, because Movie Maker would just randomly crash, or it would manipulate my pictures and make them very short. 

I finished this video, which was a slideshow of dog pictures set to the song 'you've got a friend in me' from Toy Story, oh about 5 times. But each time I would open the video after I finished it Movie maker would make each clip's length very short. And after about the sixth time I had enough and to this day that video remains unfinished.

After this video making experience I had a bit of a reprieve in actual video making. And about the only techie thing I did was hit the space bar during worship at church for the big screens. I grew to be extremely proud of my job. My dad and I would sit up there, and he would click for the pastor's sermon and help me if I got lost, and I would click for the songs. 

And then we moved to Florida and I lost my "space bar clicking for songs job" because someone already had that position filled. 

The first year I lived in Florida was the year I discovered youtube. It was like a whole new world was being opened to me. More specifically I discovered the youtube account JKLproductions. I watched their videos constantly each time a new one came out. And then when I visited my best friend from where I used to live I introduced her to JKLproductions and we thought "hey, why don't we do what they are doing. It would be fun!" 

So we did, and we started a youtube account called LLAMAmovies. We would film random silly skits or ideas that we came up with, and then I would sit there and edit them using WMV. And when I went back home to Florida I introduced my friends to the idea. And we made another youtube account called SHARKSmovies. 

From there I started making  montage type videos that weren't altogether that spectacular. But I guess my dad saw something in the making and showed our youth pastor, and he became interested and had me making various videos. And then I became more and more interested in videos and I got a Mac desktop for christmas and starting using imovie (with by the way is SOO much better than movie maker). And then my movie making got better and I was asked to make a DNOW promo along with my SHARKS friends.. So we did.. And then I made a camp video which OB used.. And then I decided to just randomly take it upon myself to make a video for each day of VBS.. And then it just kind of exploded (my video making that is). I was asked to help edit a big moms in touch promotional video, the previous video maker person who was hired to make youth videos was replaced by me.. And now I just get requested a lot to make a lot of videos.. And it's just REALLY AWESOME. 

I think I'm really interested in doing more video making in the future.. I may even end up doing this as my career.. That is, if that's what God wants me to do. 

Who knows, the sky is the limit.

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