Friday, May 15, 2009

Well Hi There

Well hi there. So we had our concert last night and it was really good. But extremely hot. *huge sigh*. I knew this would be an exhausting night, I was prepared. I knew it was going to be hot, but I suppose I wasn't prepared enough.. because.... I collapsed. JUST KIDDING. but no really, it was really hot. And before the concert you couldn't escape the heat. You would go outside but it was HOTTER outside.. hot and humid... Inside my bell was so wet and slippery, that's how much just my hand was sweating.

But enough of me being a whiney person and complaining about heat. I know, suck it up. :p.

The concert was really good, everyone played fantastically.. And the audience really liked Stars and Stripes.. (hehe) 8 piccolos, who would've thought?

I don't like keeping secrets or surprises. Don't get me wrong, I CAN keep a secret or a surprise. It's just very hard and excruciating for me. I like to talk alot to my parents and best friends. And I was nearly bursting with talking about the drama of finding 8 piccolos, or randomly bursting out with "GE bonus points!!!!!!".. Or talking about helping Chris fold the flag...

needless to say, it was hard.

And I had somewhat blown the secret even before I knew it was a secret.. Well, technically Michael blew the secret because he was all "Mr. Kelly told me the concert program" and he told me all of them. And I told my parents... But that was before we even got the music for it. And when we didn't get the music for it for a long time, I just assumed we weren't playing it. And then we got the music and were told "shhh it's a surprise" basically. So I just hoped that my parents made the same original assumption I did.

yadda yadda yadda.

So yesterday I got to catch up with old friends, and I'm sad that I ever lost touch with all of them.

(I'm going to make up a lousy excuse for this, are you ready for it?)

Each time I would see they were on Facebook, I'd always feel awkward about possibly starting up a conversation because I felt "well they moved on from this High school." or "They moved away they must have forgotten about me" or "Well we haven't talked in ages, what would they think"

But I'm swallowing that excuse (what? I need better analogies) and never using it again ok?


One more week, and then exam week. But who's counting? *looks around sheepishly* Ok, EVERYONE is counting. (haha)

And my exam week will be slackerish. Because I have no pressure on any of my exams. And I'm only taking four. Which one of those exams is in Spanish. And I've maintained a 100 percent average all year, I think that's grounds for exemption don't you? But no, it isn't. HEY I HAVE AN IDEA! you know how some teachers have the whole incentive of doing well on the test by the whole "I'll replace your lowest test grade with your exam grade if your exam grade is higher." Well what if we switched it, and made it fair. Something like "I'll replace your exam grade with your lowest test grade" ? That would work for me. I can live with a 98 on the exam. hahaha..
I never talk in that class though, so I haven't built the personality in that class to suggest this.. But hey.. I wouldn't have to go to school at all on wednesday and thursday that way!!!

I guess I should leave it at that, and write more later. Even though I'm bored to tears in photography and am helping people with their math.

Have a fantastic day!


A couple of movies I'm looking forward to seeing this summer: UP (I think it comes out May 29), My Sisters Keeper (June 26), Harry Potter (July 15... a day after my 16th b-day :D)

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