Saturday, May 23, 2009

Um, hi there. School is almost over!!

So, It is memorial day weekend. And I feel that this weekend is a bit of a waste. Don't get me wrong, I love any excuse to get off from school. But really? Getting off the first day of the last week of school? I'd rather just get out of school early! You know what I mean? I just want to get it all over with. 

SOOO. I went to the dentist on Thursday to get a cavity filled. In which obviously they had to pull out that huge needle to stick me with which numbs half of your mouth. It was the weirdest feeling I have ever felt. 

The overall process of the cavity filling didn't hurt, obviously since I couldn't feel anything, but the needle part. See, the dentist guy I had must be kind of new and doesn't know how to properly give one a shot. When you are giving someone a shot, you would think that the person would try their best to distract the patient from what they are doing. Like for instance, telling a joke or just engaging in conversation. But no, my dentist had to draw my attention to what he was doing, not only did he do that but he was painfully slow in sticking me. All the while he was saying "please don't hate me" over and over again. I wanted to tell him that I didn't hate him and to just get over with it. But obviously I couldn't due to the fact that he was sticking me with a rather large needle. 

Eating while half of your mouth is also quite a strange ordeal. Due to the fact that on half of your tongue you can taste and feel the food or beverage, but on the other half you can't. But you know it's there!!

And then after that I had the "get aquainted rehersal" for band. Which was really fun, I just couldn't really play. 

In other news.

The weather here lately has been REALLY strange.

For one it has been pretty chilly especially seeing as it is the end of may. On Monday it was in the 60's. 

And then it'll just sporadically rain and storm and hail and the wind has been really strong.

It's just been really weird.

I'm at my grandparents house right now, and all is going quite swell. 

Monday I have no plans other than studying (*no enthusiasm* woo-hoo). And then Tuesday I have my chemistry exam and the rest of my classes. Wednesday I have no exams, therefore I have no school :). Thursday I have my spanish exam (easy-peasy) starting at 10:30 and that's over at 12:30.. or maybe it's 12? And then Friday I have my math and english exam. AND THEN SUMMER!!! oh yeah, and on Thursday I also have my appointment to sign up for my classes at TCC for next year :).

that's it for now.


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