Tuesday, May 5, 2009


So I'm getting to the point in my Tuesday afternoon where I'm just sitting all alone in my dad's office behind his desk. The tally of people who have come looking for him has gone up to three. I'm always greeted the same way "You're not Jerry" along with any other witty comment they find to accompany it. A few chuckles, some more small talk and I'm left exactly the way I was before. 

I've tried many things to keep me occupied. 

I've tried teaching myself how to play chess, but somehow the computer ALWAYS beats me (I don't know how to play chess, so that may be why). But it's weird how the computer beats me, it'll have one piece left and it'll still win. IT DOESN'T MAKE SENSE!!

I've turned into a creeper and have read random friends facebook profiles and have scoured my page two times reading new status updates. I have even chatted with a couple friends. 

I logged on to blogger and wrote some more of the story I've been writing about Katie.

I even logged onto youtube and watched a video.

My mom just reached the point of texting me and asking if she needed to come pick me up. But I don't know what to tell her. 

(that was my only real purpose for this blog. I just wanted to fluff it up, make it seem longer and make it seem like it had no substance. It was all a lie! This blog entry had no substance. But that's ok, because you read it anyway.)

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