Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Katie part 4

Katie was so surprised. She never thought the whole french horn section would ever be in the same room together, Mr. Kelly had even showed up for the event because he even thought that this french horn section was the coolest french horn section he's ever had and far more superior to any other section.

Amanda, Kat, and Chris even brought their stop mutes and mouth pieces for the occasion. Mr. Kelly put up with it only because he knew it would make Katie happy. (Haha, he put up with the stop mutes not you. silly. That statement did NOT deserve a slap.)

They buzzed the song "if all the raindrops were lemon drops and something oh what a rain that would be..".

Then later the group left for a little while because the nurse said that she needed to rest and ordinarily there was a rule against large groups of people in a hospital room. Katie seemed a little upset that she would once again be left alone so they left Julian with her. Who could stay in a room with Julian and manage to stay sad? 

Julian had aged over the few years. He was much taller than when she first met him, and when he says the "I'm going to try out for the football team" it isn't as unbelievable; therefore it isn't as funny.

Adam decided that there was no possible way he could stay away from Katie today, he wanted the chance to explain why he suddenly dropped off the face of the earth. 

But before reaching the room he heard laughter. He hadn't ever heard Katie laugh before, the sound was foreign to him. But mixed with her laughter was a deeper-pitched laughter. He tried to remember what Katie's dad had told him before he left. He said he was going to be back on Friday, and today was still Wednesday. Maybe he decided to surprise her, he thought. 

But when he walked into Katie's room boy did he get a surprise. 

She had a boyfriend and she never told him! Not that it would've ever slipped in naturally to the conversation. It wasn't like he ever asked her if she did or not. He just kind of assumed she didn't. Stupid assumption. 

But here it was now, plainly laid out in front of him. 

Adam was devastated. His feelings for Katie were stronger than he ever thought they became. 

Adam stammered through his pitiful excuse for coming and was just about to leave when Julian asked what in the world he was carrying. 

That was when Adam realized he was still carrying the ugly giraffe. He told them that he forgot he had it and it was supposed to be a giraffe and that it was the best the gift shop offered and then abruptly told Katie by and to feel better and then left. 

Adam was hardly paying attention to the road and his hands were clenched to the steering wheel. 

To make his dissapointments worse he was so upset that he completely messed up his solo. He played it all right, he just played it ten measures early. And then he completely missed the last beat of the last song. He doesn't even know if he was playing in tune, all of his thoughts were focused on Katie. 

Julian asked Katie who that was and Katie explained that he was in her band and that he was a witness to the accident. 

Julian then proceeded to make fun of the way Adam talked up until the time that he was also kicked out of the hospital room by the doctor. 

The doctor had great news for Katie, she would be released the next day with her very own pair of crutches and a bottle of pain medication. He gave her a long speech on taking it easy for a while and he also gave her the list of things she could and couldn't do and when she would have to come back for a check up on her leg, arm, and head. 

Katie was hardly paying attention though because she was so excited. 

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