Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Randomness Prevails

I had this whole blog entry planned in my head this morning, and then I went to homeroom just now. So now I’m going to semi-scrap that idea and share a story that everyone should learn from.

As crummy and late my night was last night, at least I didn’t have a project that determined my grade and whether or not I got my masters degree.

So my homeroom teacher is in graduate school right now working towards her masters degree, and she had this HUGE 28 page essay due tonight. Last week was spring break at our school, so she stayed home the whole week to just work on that project. And yesterday she had finished, and she was re-reading everything before she printed it out so that she didn’t waste 28 pieces of paper. The file was only saved on her flash drive (the thing she is now regretting endlessly). She was on the last page, and she was so happy and satisfied with what she had done, when a small box popped up on the screen that said “this file has become corrupted” and then everything turned to gibberish symbols. It was the only saved copy she had and it is due today. That is pretty much devastating. She e-mailed her professor but she said her professor is very unforgiving.

But that stinks, me saving something in a wrong file format is pretty small in the grand scheme of things.

Anyway, I just wanted to share that story.

Now to what I planned:

It’s Not Supposed To Be This Cold In April
(that was going to be the title)

Let me get this straight in your mind: I live in Florida. The SUNSHINE state. So why has it been getting so cold this season!? It was just starting to warm up, it felt sooo good. The sun beaming down and soaking up the rays. Then why all of a sudden is it going down to the freezing temperatures with a chilling wind? That’s just not right! haha.
I guess we Floridians are pretty spoiled though with all of the sunshine, I guess I can’t complain that much, it could have been freezing for the past 5 months. I’m grateful that it hasn’t. J

Today at school we have the “honor-roll luncheon”. Basically everyone with a GPA of 3.0 or higher goes to the soccer practice field and they give us free subway. In the past I think they have given us a longer lunch time, but not today. That’s ok though seeing as it’s kind of chilly outside. I complain to much about our principal it’s not all of her fault. But it can’t be denied that I liked our old principal a lot better. (Sorry that was random. In my head I was blaming our current principal for not having a longer lunch for the honor roll picnic thing.)

Oh, and to top everything off with a nice cherry on my “Marathon Wednesdays” today I ALSO have a NHS meeting.
I’m greatly looking forward to the Extreme Makeover: Home Edition coming on this Sunday, because it was in my town. One of their kid’s was in my digital design class last year, but I didn’t personally know him that well. I only really heard all of the buzz around time, I never had the chance to go watch the construction process. Our band was going to play in the unveiling but unfortunately it didn’t work out. So that is one thing I’m greatly looking forward to.

I need to get a 9-Volt battery before Saturday morning. (again that was random, but I was hoping that if I typed it I would remember it.) Because like a fool, I accidentally left on the wireless microphone I have for my camera and the battery has died. I need it for a video I’m filming on Saturday.

I guess that’s all that I really have to say for today.

OH, and the last two days in English we had been studying Emily Dickinson. She was an… interesting… person. 100 letters to a mysterious lover? HMMMM…. But I kept thinking of what Maureen Johnson had said about her in one of her blogs. Haha.
And, I completely interpreted one of Emily Dickinson’s poem to be about someone meeting a spy and loving a spy because it was late when I was interpreting it (I was delirious I was so tired, haha) and because my teacher said it had to be “unique”. My interpretation was unique all right!

-------- Amanda (that’s a lot of hyphens.)


Anonymous said...

Oh my, I could not imagine losing that much of a paper. I would cry.

Anonymous said...

Also, WHAT is up with this weather. It went from seventy-five to twenty in under two days.

Amanda said...

I know it's insane isn't it?!
It's actually warmed up considerably here again, it's still a bit chilly in the morning though. So, I hope it warms up just as fast for you too.